PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 377 1 must be a super handsome guy

Chapter 377 Must be a Super Handsome Guy
If the HY team wants to leave, the 17S team will become a meal for the greedy wolf, otherwise, the HY team will be destroyed.I guess the commanders of these two teams were very contradictory before. They had the opportunity to leave by relying on their legs and find another way, but they didn't want to become Tanlang because of their departure, so they just stalemate with Tanlang , As a result, it has now fallen into a situation where no one can leave.

And Sun Wood either had too much appetite before, or he didn't think carefully, which led to this embarrassing situation of not getting up or down.In short, Team HY and 17S are waiting for Tanlang to open fire first, and Tanlang is waiting for Team HY and 17S to show their flaws first, but those two teams who were shot by Tanlang can only shrink back and try to survive, not daring to show The slightest flaw, this is the deduction of the balance point, do you understand? "

"Oh, that's how it is." Li Changxiao nodded with a confused face, pretending that he had understood it, and then asked again: "Then they can't go on like this forever, the poison circle won't wait for them. "

"Team HY and Team 17S are generally impetuous and impatient. Before the vicious circle shrinks, they will attack. Don't worry." Qin Fan said.

"Then which team will be the first to attack?" Li Changxiao looked like a curious baby, as if he had already regarded Qin Fan as a god who could predict the future.

Hearing the words, Qin Fan squinted at him, wondering why this guy who didn't understand guns asked so many questions, and he knew what it was, but he didn't know why, but Li Changxiao had already asked, so Qin Fan could only He said patiently: "Of course it's the HY team. It's not like you haven't seen their face. Although the 17S team is also impetuous, after all, they have already reduced their staff at the hands of Greedy Wolf, and they will learn some lessons."

"Oh..." Li Changxiao nodded again half understanding, "Then do you know when Team HY will start attacking?"

"Soon." Qin Fan said calmly, staring at the countdown of the poisonous circle on the screen with full concentration.

Li Chang Xiao just wanted to turn his head to ask Qin Fan the next question, but when he saw Qin Fan's eyes, he couldn't get the words out, because Qin Fan usually had a more unruly appearance, and rarely With such serious eyes, suddenly seeing Qin Fan's eyes that seem to be able to see through people's hearts, Li Changxiao, who has done too many bad things, is somewhat guilty.


The light in the arena was very dim, covering Qin Fan's dark blue peaked cap with a layer of mysterious darkness. No matter from which angle you looked at it, his eyes that seemed to be able to see through the soul were just pressed against the corners of the brim of the cap. His elbows rest on his knees, and his hands cover his face and nose just right, leaving only his eyes exposed to watch the game.

Even as a coach, Qin Fan didn't want to show his face on the field with many reporters and cameras.The previous mask has become a symbol of the king, so naturally I can no longer wear it. I can only use this method to cover my face, so as not to be photographed by reporters and finally passed on to the eyes of all family members. Once again, it was pushed to the forefront by various families.

Although Qin Fan was low-key enough, he was still noticed by an entertainment reporter.

'Crack. '

'Crack. '

'Crack. '


Qin Fan was too fierce before, the reporter didn't dare to go forward, she only dared to keep away from a distance and kept changing angles to shoot, as if she was taking Qin Fan as a beautiful scenery.

"Xiao Yan, I asked you to take pictures of Wei Shen. What are you doing here?" A middle-aged man in formal attire asked with a serious expression.

"Understood, wait until I finish shooting this handsome guy." Wang Yan said reluctantly with a long voice, his smiling face almost wrinkled into a bitter melon.

Although the middle-aged man was angry in his heart, he couldn't bear to get angry with his precious niece. He immediately glanced at the photo taken by Wang Yan, and said helplessly: "You didn't even see the face, so how do you know he's handsome? What if he's ugly? , be careful to take your hands away and scare you to death. Hurry up and go to work, otherwise how can you explain to the department chief when you go back."

Wang Yan stuck out his tongue, shook his head mischievously and said: "No, no, if the minister is angry, he is angry with you, so you are reluctant to scold me. This handsome guy can tell by his eyes that he must be super handsome I must take more pictures of that cold and handsome guy."

The middle-aged man was completely speechless, and lamented in his heart: "I found myself a living ancestor employee." '

While muttering this in her heart, she honestly picked up the camera that hadn't been used for a long time and squeezed it hard into Weishen's crowd, completing the work that should have been done by her for this precious niece.

(End of this chapter)

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