Chapter 382 17S Hands-On
In the early stage, the free agent can independently develop in the team. Whether it is playing in the jungle or on the territory of other teams to develop, it can not only not occupy the valuable resources of the team in the early stage, but also act as the eyes of the team in the middle and late stages, ensuring the support of the large group. Safety is simply panacea.

But the requirements for players in this position are simply abnormal. Otherwise, why didn't Qin Fan use it for Tanlang? Caesar is still a team that uses free man tactics to the extreme in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Why didn't he teach Tanlang?
It is because there is not such a super player in Tanlang who can enter seven times and exit seven times in the crowd of thousands of troops, and can escape leisurely when encountering the team's attack. Using free man tactics has the opposite effect and weakens the team's strength.

Even Luo Tianzheng, who has the best personal ability, is not qualified, at most he can only be a main assaulter and striker.

If his strength had reached the standard of a free man in Qin Fan's eyes, he would not have collapsed when searching for resources within the control of the 17S team, but would have kept disturbing them so that they could not develop with peace of mind. This not only delayed Their development speed can also fatten themselves on the enemy's territory.

Unfortunately, Luo Tianzheng couldn't do it.

There is no one available, which is the reason why Qin Fan has nowhere to use his dragon slaying skills.

Libero, even international high-end teams dare not use it easily, because this position is very risky, and it is completely licking blood on the tip of a knife.

If he fights well, he is courageous and resourceful. Zhao Zilong, who has thousands of horses and horses, will come and go, but if he fights badly, he will be garbage, shit, and give away his head. The representative character of the chicken.

However, Xiao Han, the captain of Team HY, is so self-confident. His ignorance can't make him feel the difficulty of freeman tactics.

The reason why he wants to be a free agent is that one is because those high-end teams are using it, so he learned it blindly, and the other is that the free agents of those high-end teams have received high attention from the media after the game, because their performance is really amazing. show...

So he wants to be a free agent, he wants to learn the style of play of high-end teams, he wants to learn, but he has no patience to study, his behavior like a blind man touching an elephant can only come up with such a weak thing, so they It's completely inhumane to be abused by greedy wolves.

The crisp 98K sound of 'bang' sounded again, and Wei Xing said anxiously: "The 17S team detoured from the east to the direction of the church, two, and the location is within ten meters to the east of the fake garage."

The reason why Wei Xing didn't talk to the HY team's sniper was not because he wanted to humiliate him, but because Wei Xing didn't have time to talk to him at all, otherwise the [-] points would have been given to him long ago.

The 17S team is laying out in secret at this time. There are many houses in P City. Without Sun Wood crossing with him to control the field of vision on the high ground, his position seems very awkward. Once the 17S team intentionally avoids his field of vision, then he will not Become blind.

So he had to keep a close eye on a few unavoidable fire coverage points, trying to find traces of the 17S team in these places, Huang Tian paid off, even though 17S has been trying to avoid him, but in this place, they He could only expose his figure, and one of them was maimed by Wei Xing.

"What about the captain, their target is you." Wang Xiaofei asked anxiously.

He was really anxious. The 17S team occupied the highland fake garage, which was an easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack position, facing them far away, and the sniper was still hiding in the dark, not knowing when to shoot them. The 17S team's gun line has been pulled, and they can attack Sun Wood when they advance, but they can't help them. They can confront the three of them when they retreat, so that they have no vehicles and cannot leave.

"I'll get rid of this bastard as soon as possible..." Sun Wood gritted his teeth, really angry with Xiao Han, a bitch.

(End of this chapter)

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