PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 384 Keeping 1 Supply Soldier

Chapter 384 Keeping a Supply Soldier
It's good that the weak chickens of the two HY teams don't intervene. If they dare to touch this hornet's nest, they will be caught in the middle by Tanlang and the 17S team and beaten into a sieve.

Gradually, the inexperience of the Tanlang team began to be exposed. The battles with world-class teams are super fast-paced, and there are very few partial stalemate battles. , directly start the ultimate collision, defeating the enemy with one blow.

No one would fight this kind of meaningless war of attrition, and Qin Fan never taught them this thing, because the war of attrition is meaningless, it was the first time that Tanlang met an evenly matched opponent, so it fell into a stalemate. Time didn't know what to do, and they completely forgot the endgame thunder tactics that Qin Fan taught them to fight.

The most unbearable thing for Qin Fan is that at this time, Wang Xiaofei, a supply soldier, is still guarding the vehicle. Have you fed all the flexible thinking that I have cultivated for you to the dogs...

'It's better to guard a woolen vehicle even if you can't go now, blowing up the vehicle directly is better than wasting your manpower to guard the vehicle. 'Qin Fan's handsome face covered by his hand was so gloomy that water could drip out.

The audience was very excited, they liked to watch this kind of exciting chaos, and they all shouted to cheer for their idols.

Tanlang and the 17S team won't finish the fight until the next wave of safety zones has been determined. Tanlang still won the 17S, but it wasn't a win, but it exhausted the members of the 17S team to death, because Wang Xiaofei They had too many supplies on their bodies, and 17S had no supplies. Even if they could gain a small advantage after fighting for a long time, they couldn't take Tanlang. In the end, Tanlang ran out of medicines abruptly, and they were beaten to death...

The loser loses no face, and the winner doesn't win well. In the end, Team HY is cheap.

Because during their chaotic battle, the captain of the HY team took advantage of the fact that the two sides were helping their teammates and taking medicine, and frankly stole the vehicle, it was a fuck...

The team members of Greedy Wolf finally calmed down at this time. Thinking of Qin Fan's dogma, they felt a chill in their hearts. It wasn't because they lost the game, but because Qin Fan was in the audience, and their disgusting performance never fell behind The income of their devil coach's eyes...

But fortunately, I remembered it at this time, and I didn't continue to make mistakes.

The three of them simply gave up on drug running, threw away everything in their backpacks except the medicine, and started searching for medicine in P City.

In the previous battle, both sides tried to put efficiency first, so they must search urgently. There will be missed medicines and discarded bandages. Wang Xiaofei was alone.

Under the stunned gaze of all the audience, Wei Xing and Luo Tianzheng, the two generals who made their eyes shine again and again, actually gave up taking medicine and fulfilled a 'garbage' supply soldier, just like that. Slowly poisoned to poison die.

'Use the strength of the whole team to save a supply soldier, what is this plan?Know that you can't enter the circle?give up?Blind a few ~ play? ’ That’s what almost everyone in the audience thinks.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the supply soldier was taking too much medicine. He was frantically probing for life and death every time. He even played the role of every bandage to the extreme. He had to die on the spot, but he didn't die. This is more exciting than two teams fighting each other...

At this time, they also understood Tanlang's final tactics. It is impossible for Tanlang to enter the drug circle now, let alone without vehicles, even if they have vehicles, they will not be able to enter. Who knows how many teams are stuck in front of them? Point, how many ambushes are waiting for them to pass.

People from P city, no matter where they go, the route will be super embarrassing and easy to be ambushed, which is why the real strong teams are unwilling to choose P city.

So they pinned all their last hopes on this supply soldier, saved all the medicines, and gave them all to this supply soldier. No matter how long this supply soldier can survive in the drug circle, they will be the number one.

"Hey, Tanlang's battle is already very brave. It is definitely the strength of the first-line team. It is a pity that they chose to collide with 17S in P City. As a result of this situation, they directly missed the finals, hey." Yang Yang pretended As he said regretfully, he secretly rejoiced in his heart, and at the same time cut his perspective to other areas without any trace.

(End of this chapter)

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