Chapter 386 Xu Xiaoyu

"Tanlang is indeed Tanlang, so he can enter the finals..." Yang Yang smiled, but his smile looked extremely awkward, and he felt that the team of Tanlang was not compatible with him, and it was simply a hit nemesis. In the end, it was against him.

It was said that Tanlang did not dare to jump into places like P City, but Tanlang jumped. He said that Tanlang didn't know how to live or die, and it was impossible to survive the 17S offensive for 7 minutes. As a result, Tanlang directly defeated the core player of 17S, Beast. , saying that even if Tanlang finds the vehicle, he will miss the finals. However, Tanlang has come to a three-guaranteed one, and used all the medicine bags in P City to make this supply soldier survive the poison until the finals...

After this series of predictions, Yang Yang's face was almost swollen from slaps, and he thought in his heart that even if he didn't explain it, he couldn't speak ill of Tanlang anymore.

The final round is located on the hill next to the power station. Big Brother’s IF team and Wei Shen’s 4AM team are both located in the safe area, using stones and trees as cover to exchange fire with each other.

The position of Black Hawk is rather awkward. He is beside the rocks at the seaside, outside the safety zone, and there are 2 minutes before the next wave of poison. Safe zone, or take drugs to the death.

The embarrassment of the position seems to have cut off Black Hawk's chances of survival, but the two commentators dare not analyze Black Hawk, because this man's personal strength is really beyond their level of cognition.

"I'm afraid the position of Black Eagle is not good enough." Li Changxiao looked at the awkward position of Black Eagle and asked Qin Fan.

"Hehe, the Black Hawk is the strongest without the others from Lsj. Unsurprisingly, he will win this game." Qin Fan said, pressed the brim of his hat, and left the field directly.

"Why don't you watch it?" Li Changxiao followed Qin Fan closely.

"No need to read, Black Eagle Eats Chicken, IF No.2, Greedy Wolf No.3, 4AM No.4." Qin Fan said without turning his head.

"How did you see it?" Li Changxiao said as he walked.

"You can see it with your eyes." Qin Fan didn't bother to explain to him, and he couldn't understand it.

Classes started again. Qin Fan returned to the rest area and continued to attend class with his mobile phone. Li Changxiao was with him at first, but his heart was so itchy. He wanted to know the final result of Greedy Wolf, so he ran back to continue watching the game.

Not long after Li Changxiao left, Qin Fan heard a 'click' sound of the camera shooting, and couldn't help being startled. What he was most worried about was being photographed in this kind of place, so he hurriedly followed the reputation.

Just in the corner of the entrance of the arena, I saw a petite girl wearing denim suspenders, a white T-shirt, and a peaked cap. She looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was holding a camera at this time. Watching him 'click' non-stop.

Seeing Qin Fan looking at her, the girl turned around and ran away in a panic. When she turned her head, her forehead made close contact with the wall behind her, making a loud 'dong'.

The little girl was about to cry from the pain, but when she turned her head she saw Qin Fan walking towards her. He quickly held the camera in one hand and covered his forehead with the other, enduring the pain and ran into the arena.

However, her short legs couldn't run past Qin Fan, and she was grabbed by Qin Fan as soon as she arrived at the entrance of the stadium.

Before Qin Fan questioned her, the little girl said with an aggrieved look on her face: "Little brother, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again in the future. Let me keep these photos as a souvenir, okay?"

The little girl looks very juicy, at the age of seventeen or eighteen years old, her appearance is already very good, her lovely appearance is pretending to be pitiful, her red and watery eyes are simply a killer of homeboys, I am afraid that any man will be right The little girl's request was hard to resist.

Unfortunately, what he met was Qin Fan, a man who even rejected Guo Shaorong, the number one beauty of the Guo family.

Facing this poor little girl, Qin Fan said very euphemistically: "Not good."

(End of this chapter)

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