Chapter 388 End
"Don't be happy, I have conditions." Qin Fan said.

"You say, you say, as long as the photos are not deleted, I will agree to any conditions." Xu Xiaoyu smiled with big eyes narrowed.

"All the photos you have about me must not be released to the media." Qin Fan said.

"Okay." Xu Xiaoyu agreed wholeheartedly. Originally, she just wanted to collect pictures of handsome guys, so it doesn't matter if she publishes them or not.

Qin Fan raised his eyebrows and glanced at her. He didn't expect the little girl to agree so quickly. She doesn't look like a serious reporter, so he can rest assured.

"Is there any more?" Xu Xiaoyu looked at Qin Fan expectantly: "For example, you want me to treat you to dinner, watch a movie and apologize to you?"

"No, as long as you abide by this condition." Qin Fan said with a smile.

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving Xu Xiaoyu alone in embarrassment...

"This... the really cool and handsome guy is really hard to chase." Xu Xiaoyu sighed and said helplessly.

The match lasted less than 3 minutes. As soon as the two reached a consensus, the match was declared over. The result of the match was no different from what Qin Fan said.

4AM's isolation and Aruka's position is not good, and finally was killed by the IF team, but the IF team was also killed by the 4AM team, leaving only two people.

Just as the next wave of poison was about to shrink, Black Hawk moved and threw three smokes in a row between him and the IF team. After the smoke spread, it formed a "line of sky" to block his vision, and then used the smoke as a barrier. Move behind the smoke, looking for opportunities to counterattack.

The IF team used the tree as a cover to attack the Black Hawk. Unfortunately, they are still the strength of the domestic first-line team. There are many loopholes in the duo cooperation, and the Black Hawk's individual operation is too strong. Once the flaw is caught, it will be a headshot. In the end, both of them were killed by the Black Hawk gun.

As for Wang Xiaofei, he was completely out of medicine when the poison circle began to shrink. He didn't even have a bandage, a treatment kit, and a painkiller. Killing the two members of the IF team brought Tanlang into No.2, but it's a pity... No if, just as Qin Fan expected, Wang Xiaofei persisted until IF killed 4AM at most, and Tanlang could only get third.

But for Li Changxiao, after all, this is Tanlang's first time to participate in a competition, and he also participated in a national competition. No.3 has already made him very satisfied.

It is unrealistic for Tanlang to eat chicken for the first time in the competition, after all... With Sun Wood and his talents, it is already extraordinary to get No.3 in the first game.

The first game is over, and the next game is scheduled for [-]:[-] pm. It is the time when the night will be dark and the wind will be blowing, which is suitable for a big battle.

The entrance and exit are not in the same location. Qin Fan received a call from Li Changxiao and waited for them outside the exit of the venue. Now Tanlang must be surrounded by reporters again, so it is inconvenient for him to go there.

Seeing the audience leave one by one, the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, more and more reporters ran out to block people in the venue with nothing to gain, but the teams have not come out for a long time.

Because it was too noisy outside, Qin Fan couldn't listen to the class well, so Qin Fan had no choice but to choose a seat by the window in the coffee shop at the entrance of the venue. This place is much quieter than the outside, which is suitable for him to attend classes, and it is also convenient for Li Changxiao and the others to find him after they come out.

"Sir, pure coffee is very bitter, and the taste is relatively difficult to drink. Are you sure you want pure coffee?" The waiter confirmed with Qin Fan again, because pure coffee is too bitter.

Generally speaking, people who order coffee have to add a little milk or sugar to suppress the bitterness to adjust the taste. He has seen people who want pure coffee like this, or old coffee lovers who have a different hobby for coffee. Either it's the one who hasn't drunk coffee, the former is okay, if it's the latter... always complain that he didn't make it clear in advance, so he must ask again.

(End of this chapter)

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