Chapter 395


The coffee was poured in quickly, and the spray was even faster. Just as Wu Shanshan, who was opposite him, was about to taste the taste of coffee, Zheng Zexian directly sprayed a big mouthful of coffee and turned into a drowned chicken.

The change without warning frightened Wu Shanshan on the spot, she looked at Zheng Zexian with an unbelievable expression, she couldn't react for a long time, she screamed after a long time, took her own coffee and poured it directly on Zheng Zexian,

Zheng Zexian was annoyed but he knew he was wrong, so he could only suffer from being dumb, and turned his anger on the waiter, gnashing his teeth: "This coffee is so bitter, why didn't you remind me."

The waiter smiled wryly, "Sir, I reminded you that you insisted on drinking it. Did you forget?"

"Why didn't you stop me." Zheng Ze began to force his words.

"I..." The waiter felt a bit of sarcasm in his heart, but he could only wear a smile on his face, silently enduring Zheng Zexian's anger.

"If you want to drink, they will bring it to you. It's their good intentions to persuade you, and it's their duty not to persuade you. What are you upset about?" Qin Fan gloated. He didn't feel guilty for cheating Zheng Zexian.

It's good that Qin Fan didn't speak, but when he spoke, Zheng Zexian immediately turned his anger on Qin Fan again: "Shut up, if you hadn't induced me, how could I drink such disgusting coffee."

Qin Fan's smile became brighter and brighter: "My vanity is causing trouble, and you are blaming me again?"

Just as Zheng Zexian was about to have another attack, Qin Fan preempted him and said, "If I were you, I would go to the bathroom to clean it up first. It's very public, and the water stains on my body are ugly."

What Qin Fan said made Zheng Zexian irrefutable. Looking at the coffee all over his body, it was really ugly, so he could only snort coldly, push the waiter away, and go to the bathroom to clean up.

Wu Shanshan also calmed down her anger with Yue Lingzi's consolation, and took her bag to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

Both of them left, only Qin Fan and Yue Lingzi were left. The waiter cleaned the messy table, and the strong bitter smell filled the air, making Yue Lingzi's eyebrows wrinkle, and he took a sip of the sweet Kabu Chino was overwhelmed with shock, thinking in his heart that it was fortunate that Qin Fan changed her coffee, otherwise she would be ugly right now.

"Brother Qin, did you do it on purpose?" Yue Lingzi raised her eyebrows and asked tentatively.

Qin Fan shrugged his shoulders and said nothing, which was his tacit consent.

"Shanshan actually has a good heart..." Yue Lingzi just wanted to intercede for Wu Shanshan, but was stopped by Qin Fan with a wave.

"I know." Qin Fan said.

After saying that, Qin Fan bowed his head and continued the class, leaving Yue Lingzi alone, the two were silent for a long time.Invisibly, Qin Fan has already expressed to Yue Lingzi that his attitude towards her is limited to ordinary friends, and there is no possibility of further development. It is a pity that Yue Lingzi is too deeply involved and has not noticed it.

The quiet and embarrassing atmosphere lasted for more than a long time. Zheng Zexian and Wu Shanshan did not arrive, but Huang Yiming and Vice President Zhou arrived first. They were not used to drinking coffee, so they sat next to Yue Lingzi and Qin Fan without ordering coffee. While chatting, they waited for Zheng Zexian and Wu Shanshan to come back.

"The Great God Black Eagle is too strong. He deserves to be the number one sniper in Asia. The last sniper is really cool." Huang Yiming was very excited. His style of play is also more fierce and fierce like Sombra, so he likes Heiying very much. Eagle, the Black Hawk's first victory, he is naturally very happy.

Vice President Zhou was relatively more calm, and smiled: "The personal strength of the Black Eagle God is nothing to say, but the rest of the LJS team is really lagging behind, and the strength is uneven. It is completely at the level of the second-tier team. It feels impossible for the Black Hawk master to pull the entire LSJ team into the world's top ranks."

Huang Yiming also sighed when he heard the words: "Hey, I don't know what the Black Hawk master thinks. If he doesn't join so many first-tier teams, he has to pick a second-tier team. The prospect is definitely much stronger than it is now.”

(End of this chapter)

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