Chapter 405 Iron Headed Doll
On the computer screen, I saw a beautiful woman with a ponytail, holding an A4 paper in one hand, and poking with a pen in the other hand on the three teams on the paper, with a small cherry mouth talking non-stop.

"You see, Tanlang's strength on paper is actually stronger than that of the 17S team. From the previous game, we can see that their overall tactical coordination is much stronger than that of the 17S team. The strength is marksmanship, but in the last round, no matter whether it was Luo Tianzheng or Sun Wood, both of them had the strength to single-handedly kill anyone on the other side. We have also seen the strength of Tanlang's sniper. The only thing we can't be sure about is this Wang Xiaofei, Apart from being quick at bag licking, quick at house searching, and top-notch in taking drugs and drugs, he seems to have nothing else to shine."

"But no matter what, from the comparison of Tanlang's paper strength and 17S team's paper strength, Tanlang is a level higher than 17S, and even directly catches up with the overall level of the 4AM team." Zhang Xuedao
'But didn't you just get No.4 in the last game at 4AM?It's not as good as Tanlang, how can it be said that Tanlang is chasing 4AM? 'The water friend asked.

"This... this..." Zhang Xue forgot the words, and hurriedly recalled the explanation Qin Fan gave her before, and continued: "This game does not mean that the higher the ranking, the stronger it is, because there are many unpredictable things in it. Risk, unless a certain team is strong enough to ignore all unpredictable risks and push all the way, but such a team is actually a special case, such as Caesars, their strength can be seen at a glance, and no analysis is required.

As for these teams whose strength gap is not very obvious, we have to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. The first thing to look at is the personal abilities of the team members such as marksmanship, body skills, and reaction speed. How many people is an army, and individual bravery is always the primary assessment condition for an army to fight.For the teams in the e-sports circle, marksmanship, body skills, and reaction speed are their personal bravery. If you can't even shoot accurately, what good are your tactics? "

"Everyone in Team 4AM's personal strength can be called a high-end domestic level. Secondly, looking at their basic tactical skills, they are also one of the best teams in China, and their experience in competitions is also rich enough to be called a very top-notch team in China. But 4am also has shortcomings. One is that Wei Shen, the captain of the 4AM team, is a bit old, and the improvement of personal strength has reached a bottleneck. The second is that 4AM's tactical execution is not thorough enough, but this is a shortcoming of all domestic teams. It may not have much impact in the domestic competition, but it will be dangerous in the world competition..."

"Yue Fei's Ji Xiao's new book is out, Xuexue, are you exaggerating..."

"When did Xuexue understand such a profound thing? It wouldn't be the little brother who told you. You should memorize it secretly." '


Seeing that Zhang Xue suddenly became a learned man, the water friends were really uncomfortable.

"Fart, is this lady a hundred times smarter than that idiot Qin Yimao?" Zhang Xue rolled her eyes and said guiltily.

She doesn't know Ji Xiao's new book, the art of war, let alone the difference between the world arena and the domestic arena. 40.00% of her remarks come from Qin Fan, and 60.00% of her remarks are due to her poor brain. I forgot what I said, I made it up...

Fortunately, none of the water friends are insiders. They only think that Zhang Xue's words are logical, and they don't know the truth. Otherwise, they have to laugh at her.

Zhang Xue babbled for a long time. At this time, almost all the teams had reached their pre-selected jumping points, and the team that landed the earliest had basically formed their equipment at this time.

The place with the strongest smell of gunpowder is still P City. This round is still the island map. After the collision in the previous round, both sides held their breath and chose to land and start the battle.

The Greedy Wolf team and the 17S team each occupy one side, and while searching for houses, they infiltrate and detour towards the opponent's location. P City is not big, but it is not small. These two teams may clash at any time.

And the HY team also changed their tactics. Although they still landed in the housing area far to the west of P City, after they searched the house, they immediately turned to the direction of P City. Knowing that there are two teams in P City, they still Dare to go like this, I don't know whether to call them courageous or fat-headed.

(End of this chapter)

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