Chapter 411 Final Offensive

Next will be a decisive battle between 17S and Tanlang. Tanlang and 17S will attack and defend.Who can have the last laugh depends on the timing and strength.

The two commentators were quiet for a rare time. The thunderous offensive and textbook-like execution ability displayed by Tanlang were too terrifying, breaking their understanding of tactics time and time again, so that facing the ultimate battle, even Both of them commented only to eat melons and watch the show.

This is probably the national league with the lowest commentary presence.

At this moment, everyone is staring at Tanlang, hoping that Tanlang can create miracles again and make their eyes shine again.

The four of Tanlang charged non-stop, all the way to the several houses opposite the beast and the snipers of the 17S team, just when everyone thought that Tanlang would stop and adjust to observe or test the opponent's reality before deciding how to attack. When he was upstairs, he was shocked to find that Tanlang had no intention of stopping at all, and that Tanlang went straight across the open space and charged to kill! ! !

"Oh!" The audience howled for Tanlang's decisive and fearless charge.

That's right, Tanlang rushed out directly. It didn't have a series of behaviors such as stagnating tactics and adjusting formations like other domestic teams did before attacking the building, but started the attack directly.

But if you look closely, you can still find Tanlang's stagnation in the second before the attack. This is because the formation standards and execution of the Tanlang team are not yet perfect, and it takes this second to make adjustments and decisions .

Tanlang's charge was not made by all the members, but only Sun Wood charged out alone, while Luo Tianzheng, Wei Xing, and Wang Xiaofei set up guns for him on the spot.

The target of Sun Wood's charge is the sniper of the 17S team, because this house is more suitable for him to charge than another house.

There is an open space of about ten meters between the housing area on Tanlang's side and the house where the 17S sniper is located. This distance is enough for the beast and his sniper to kill Sun Wood seven or eight times, but he rushed out just like that. Believe that your teammates can set up a good gun for yourself.

Luo Tianzheng was supposed to be in charge of this part of the assault, but because Luo Tianzheng's health was too weak, he might not even be able to withstand a single shot, so he could only be replaced by Sun Wood, the commander and deputy assaulter, although his body and marksmanship were not as good Luo Tianzheng, but fortunately, his blood volume is sufficient, and his head and armor are also very durable, so he can resist a few more shots.

Before Sun Wood rushed out, Wang Xiaofei threw the smoke for him, and he just rushed forward. The moment he rushed out, a gray skull and black muzzle appeared from the windows of the two houses opposite. Facing Sunwood.

"Da da da……"

"Bang bang bang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

"Bah ah ah..."

The five guns of the 17S team and the Greedy Wolf team exploded almost at the same time, Sun Wood was the first to bear the brunt, and was directly beaten to death by the two-pronged snipers of the beast and 17S.

And the beast and his sniper were also hit hard by Tanlang and the other three, and they were also beaten to bruises, so they quickly retreated under the window, and seized the time to take drugs to recover their blood.

Breaking the boat, blood for blood, life for life, it is so direct, so fierce, the audience in the arena keeps shouting, such a fierce way of charging is too rare in professional competitions, the visual impact is simply strong To the extreme.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two of the 17S team replenishing blood, Luo Tianzheng also followed Sun Wood, rushed over through the smoke.

The position of the sniper is a one-story wooden house. This kind of house is the easiest house to attack in the game. If there is a beast on the other side of the three-story building with a roof that echoes him, his position will be very difficult. It is said to be a defensive point of God, where you can attack the enemy when you advance, and defend yourself when you retreat.

But Tanlang's attack was too sudden, he didn't follow the routine at all, he didn't test them first, and directly launched an assault on them.

Originally, if the former was followed, the two sides would test first, and the two of them would have a bottom line in their hearts. When the greedy wolf charged, they would be able to calmly deploy and maximize their advantages.

But Tan Lang's attack was too sudden, which directly disrupted their rhythm. As soon as they saw Tan Lang rushing out, they rushed to attack him.

When Sun Wood rushed out, the three of them were most alert and their nerves were most sensitive. These two factors directly caused the two of the 17S team who took the lead to be unable to maximize their advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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