Chapter 601 Bewitched by lard?

After half an hour of arduous counting by the godfather, the organizer finally couldn't stand it anymore, and directly instructed the four H country players to help count together.

All four of them have standard H country male faces, and their temperament is very delicate, which is very different from the generally masculine temperament of Caesars in the past. This may be the reason why most Caesars fans reject them.

But there is also another group of new players who don't have so many ideas. They didn't know much about the previous Caesars. When they come into contact with this team with countless auras and generally high value, they will naturally be very interested. , and even turned into fans.

When the four of them came over, there was a burst of cheers and excited screams from the crowd, but it wasn't until they were screaming for their idols that they realized that they didn't even know the names of these players... …

In fact, these people don't know the names of the four people. If they think about it, they will find that they don't know anything about this team. What they worship is not this team, but what they don't belong to. Their halos and their pretentious appearances are nothing more than that.

If they really thought about this question, how could they fall in love with these four country H players, so even if they didn't know the names and code names of the four, it still didn't prevent them from screaming for the four.

The organizer was very pleased to see this, and the corners of his happy mouth almost reached the back of his head.

The four contestants from country H have never seen such enthusiastic fans, because they have never won such a high honor. When they saw these fans who were cheering for them, they couldn't help feeling elated, interacting with everyone excitedly. Forgot what I came here for.

However, they forgot that this competition was meant to test their strength, and among these people on stage, apart from those prepared for them by the organizer in advance, most of them were players who had doubts about their strength.

However, most of these people dare not speak out. After all, this is their place, but some people don't care, such as...Hang Ye, or...Team Greedy Wolf.

Hang Ye, this guy, wants money, background, and technology. He has nothing to worry about, and the Tanlang team is the same. As a new domestic team, their coach is King, and their background is also King. Their skills were only half a notch behind these four. As a freshman champion team, they had enough arrogance to support them to despise everything.

However, although the four Tanlang wanted to question them, it was a pity that their English was too poor and they couldn't speak Korean, which was embarrassing. They didn't know it, but Hang Ye knew it. Language courses in developed countries are compulsory for the children of key nobles.

"A group of trash still feel sorry for each other. I forgot why I came here. Count it quickly and don't waste my time." Just as the four of them were intoxicated in the interaction with the fans, there was a sudden sound of out of gregariousness in the crowd. It was Hang Ye who spoke, and the language he used was Korean.

The voice was loud, and the four H country professional players heard it clearly, and their expressions immediately turned ugly. Captain Li Zhixian even scanned the crowd directly, trying to find the brazen person from the crowd.

But fortunately, under the deliberate selection of the godfather, there are only a few people from the H country and a few people who understand Korean in the crowd. Most people don’t understand it, but after the people who understand it explain it angrily, everyone understands Yes, the co-author is spraying on our idols, have you eaten the heart of a bear and the gall of a leopard?Such a handsome person is willing to spray?Conscience eaten by dogs?Still blinded by lard?
(End of this chapter)

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