Chapter 609 Deception
But when King really appeared, he faltered again, and returned to his original timid, cowardly, and fearful appearance, because he had already determined in his mind that king was invincible.

To him, the king was like an irresistible natural disaster. Before the natural disaster came, he could still roar and roar with all his teeth and claws.

But when the natural disaster really came, he immediately recovered his weakest side, extreme fear, panic, escape, and all kinds of negative emotions annihilated his courage at once.

That battle really shattered their guts, they were so shattered that they couldn't even fight together.

Li Zhixian and the others didn't see Qin Fan's face. For them, the voice was enough to judge King's identity, but they didn't want to confirm further, but they didn't dare.

They didn't have the courage to look at the king at all. They didn't dare to face those eyes, because they were afraid that after seeing those eyes, they would lose control of their legs and kneel down on the spot.

The roaring arena fell silent, and everyone looked in disbelief at Li Zhixian, who had suddenly regained his senses, and the mysterious man next to him... wearing a peaked cap.

'Did he bring Lee Ji Hyun back to his senses? ’ All the audience is thinking about this question in their hearts, asking themselves, and they feel that the answer to this question cannot be yes.

A matter that can't be solved even if the king comes forward, how can others can solve it by showing his face.

It must be solved by King, and this person just happened to appear at this time, the audience comforted themselves wishfully.

Unknowingly, everyone seems to have begun to acquiesce in the identity of the fake King, after all, at the critical moment, he stood up.

People are the animals that know how to deceive best. They not only deceive others, but also deceive themselves. Most people always believe in what they want to believe. For what they don’t want to believe, they often choose to automatically filter or prevaricate a reason at will. lie to yourself.

As long as I'm right, it's fine. As for what the truth is, it has nothing to do with me.There are too many people who think this way.

When Hua Junpei ran to King's side quickly, she found that the matter seemed to be settled. There was a bit of anxiety and panic on her originally cold face, and her eyes kept wandering between the fake King and Li Zhixian.

"You... just as long as you're fine." Hua Junpei was slightly out of breath, and said caringly to the fake King, a pink blush rose on her delicate cheeks, who would have thought that the eldest lady of the Hua family who was usually as noble as a queen , also has such a little daughter-like attitude.

But thinking about it, she had been secretly in love with King for some time, but this was the first time she thought she had a real face-to-face communication with 'King'. Facing the object of her crush, even a proud queen would have a shy side.

She didn't know that her real crush had been scolded bloody by her long ago, and the person she cared about now was just a puppet with a superficial appearance.

But what does this have to do with Qin Fan?

However, the fake King didn't even pay attention to her. It was the first time she cared about others, but what she got in return was her indifference.

It's not that the fake King doesn't want to talk to her. If the fake King found out that such a beauty wanted to throw himself into his arms, he might have jumped up excitedly. It's a pity that this kid has been frightened. If Qin Fan came later, I'm afraid I have been scared to pee by Li Zhixian...

(End of this chapter)

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