PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 613 Good News and Bad News

Chapter 613 Good News and Bad News

Although the top person in charge agreed, the sneer on Qin Fan's mouth still didn't dissipate. He couldn't show any face when dealing with this group of hooligans. Before he saw them implement his conditions step by step with his own eyes, he couldn't be right These people let their guard down.

Qin Fan tilted slightly, and sneered a bit more than before: "Then... please start implementing it now."

"What? Now?" The top person in charge directly exploded, and Mali immediately became a mess again, whispering to each other, buzzing like flies, as if they were discussing countermeasures.

After a while, the 'crackling noise of flies' stopped, and Maili became quiet again. Afterwards, the top person in charge said firmly: "This is impossible, not because we don't want to cooperate, but because we are not in Huaxia, He Xiaoqing and Li Bushi. The compensation fund of the highest treatment in the industry for three years is not a small amount, and we cannot complete the remote operation in country Y."

Qin Fan sneered, he knew that this group of people wanted to renege on their debts after the fact, and they no longer had the slightest trust in him.

"I am sincerely negotiating terms with you, do you think I am a fool?" Qin Fan's tone was a little impatient, but of course he was pretending, his patience was still very sufficient, he just wanted to use this to put pressure on the other party That's all.

For these people, you can't give them a good face. If you give them some sunshine, they will be brilliant. If you give them a good face, they think it will be the New Year.

"I repeat, I ask you, immediately, now, immediately, to implement my conditions. See the third row in the crowd on the stage? The whole Caesars is there. If we reveal our identities now and put you If that disgusting thing comes out, the result should be very interesting." Qin Fan said in a gloomy voice.

Maili was silent again, this time the silence was longer and quieter, as quiet as if everyone was disconnected from the Internet.

Qin Fan had a smile on his lips. He knew what these people were doing now. He just wanted to confirm whether what he said was true. Guiliang and the others were different from Qin Fan. They had all shown their faces in front of the media. Revealing one's identity is bound to set off a big storm.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Qin Fan didn't want them to be exposed so early. They were all core members of the Daqin E-sports Association.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Fan urged: "Check it out, I advise you to make a decision immediately, my patience has been exhausted."

Qin Fan pretended to be impatient while flipping through the phone boredly, and said that the godfather beside him had a very weird expression, and thought to himself, you are not impatient, you are simply being idle and flustered to tease them.

But the people on Mai's side didn't think so, because they could already clearly hear that Qin Fan's tone was indeed very unfriendly, which immediately gave them a sense of urgency that the explosive barrel was about to explode.

The top person in charge hesitated for a while, but finally compromised, and said in a gloomy and unwilling tone: "Okay, we will implement it now."

He gritted his teeth and squeezed these words out through the gaps between his teeth. Through Mai Qinfan, it felt as if the other party wanted to chew his own bones and swallow them.

So Qin Fan smiled happier, the more uncomfortable the other party was, the happier he was.

He didn't have the slightest psychological burden to deal with this group of beasts.

Ten minutes later, Li Changxiao sent him a message: "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

(End of this chapter)

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