Chapter 617 Ignore
"Hmph, lucky guy, it's just to catch up and help me out, I can do it instead." A guy with a dark mind began to slander Qin Fan.

"That's King. If I can shake hands with him, even if I die, it's worth it." A brainless fan said with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"Hey, don't think about it, if you want to blame, you can only blame your own bad luck."


Everyone was arguing and venting their emotions, but they didn't know that the "lucky guy" and "lucky guy" they talked about was the real King.

And he was the one who really solved the problem, but now he became what they called a lucky guy, and he still suffered from their slander and jealousy, what an irony it was.

But they also couldn't imagine that the handshake they most longed for was just a burden to Qin Fan, and the king they admired the most, in Qin Fan's eyes, was just a fool whose brain was run over by the subway.

There is a sneer on the face under the fake King mask, but the eyes exposed through the mask are enough to expose his insidiousness.

But that's not important, the king's halo is too dazzling, compared to that, no one would care about it at all, he also discovered the benefits of the king's mask and halo, it's simply his best amulet and shield.

With the halo of the world's laurel crown on his head and the treatment admired by thousands of people, he felt a kind of self-confidence and pride for the first time in his life. He felt that his waist had never been so straight, and he had never been so close to a throne.

This sense of superiority made him a little lost himself, he began to indulge in the role of King, and even had the illusion that he was the real king.

That feeling was so real that he couldn't tell whether it was real or not.So, he fell into it.

But he is not King after all, he is far from this background.As a result, he began to get flustered, his self-confidence began to become conceited, his pride became more and more excessive.

Therefore, he felt that no matter who he shook hands with, he was showing mercy and charity to the other party. He shook hands with him because he thought highly of the other party, and most people were not qualified to shake hands with him at all.

Just like the young man wearing a peaked cap in front of him, he clearly knows that 80.00% of the possibility is that this person solved the problem for him, but so what, I am King, I can shake hands with you, and I can make so many people envy you , jealous of you, you should be honored to have so many spotlights around you.

So he never thought that this young man wearing a peaked cap would reject himself, because this is the world of e-sports, and here, he is the supreme king, who dare not give himself face.

However, he forgot that 10 minutes ago, both Li Zhixian and Hang Ye regarded him as nothing.

After only 10 minutes of the interview and surrounded by halos, he began to lose himself.

However, he was doomed to be disappointed, because the person in the world who was least likely to shake hands with him was Qin Fan.

What does a handshake mean?It represents friendship, cessation of fighting, cooperation, and peace, but it is impossible for Qin Fan to declare cessation of fighting with him.

A real King and a fake King, deceiving the world and stealing names, cutting off people's future, this is a great enmity.

Qin Fan is willing to give up his fame and fortune in order to strengthen his power, but it does not mean that he is willing to accept a fake King.

One day in the future, he will return with thousands of troops, sweep the eastern and western e-sports circles, and rule the e-sports world with the Daqin E-sports Association.

Under the iron hooves of all armies, there will inevitably be the bones of this fake King. He will never forgive anyone who has violated Caesar's rights and offended Caesar's old department.

These people will be expelled from the e-sports circle one by one by him, and none of them will be forgiven.

So, under the eyes of all the people and the attention of thousands of people, Qin Fan didn't look sideways, put his hands in his pockets, and walked by, ignoring the fake king who was all the attention.

The drooping brim of the hat covered all the astonished eyes, and at the same time cut the world into two sides.

One side is Qin Fan, and the other side is the world.

(End of this chapter)

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