PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 620 Waiting for Your Order

Chapter 620 Waiting for Your Order
Fake King is full of motherly criticism in his heart. How strong are you?

If Qin Fan had heard what was in his heart, he would probably have sneered and said, Ha ha, of course not, you still want to die if you make things difficult for me?It's so beautiful.

Pain has been added to the present, and the fake King has reached the brink of collapse, but he is a king who is admired by thousands of people. How can he be seen as embarrassing in such a situation where everyone is watching him.

But if I can bear it, I can bear it, the pain has reached this point, and I can't do it if I want to bear the pain and speak. Now as long as I breathe a sigh of relief, I will definitely scream out.

No, for a better life in the future, I have to endure no matter how much it hurts, even if I refuse to answer the reporter's questions, I have to endure it, pretending that King thought so in his heart, he silently endured Qin Fan's secret ravages.

Originally, he wanted to shake hands for a while and get it, but the other party obviously didn't have this plan, so he shook hands with him for 2 minutes "sincerely", during which time he added more strength, and almost didn't hurt the fake King. , My hands are almost pinched and cramp.

'Okay, boy, are you ruthless, I have written down this hatred. ' False King thought viciously in his heart.

However, he didn't know that the enmity between him and the man in front of him had already begun. Even if he thought about it, it was impossible for Qin Fan to let it go with him.

And the most important thing is that he is just thinking about it in his heart now, but Qin Fan has already started to plan a counterattack.

When Qin Fan let go, the fake King hastily withdrew his hand, as if afraid of Qin Fan's repentance, and at the same time, he was also afraid that his deformed hand would be caught by the reporter.

After withdrawing his hand, he put his deformed hand in his trouser pocket and moved it a little bit, recovering slowly. While recovering, he stared at Qin Fan viciously, wishing he could eat Qin Fan of.

But Qin Fan ignored him, the brim of his hat was still drooping, and he didn't even look at him.

This made the fake King even more angry, why are you so indifferent to me after ravaging me?Co-authoring you just think that I deserve to be ravaged by you, right?Don't you think I'm so cheap that I put my face close to hit you?Could it be that I stretched out my hand just to ravage you?
Fake King is particularly unbalanced in his heart, but there is no way, Qin Fan really thinks so in his heart, he really thinks that this guy just leaned his face to him to slap him...

"I will avenge this revenge sooner or later." The fake King whispered with his teeth clenched in Qin Fan's ear.

The corner of Qin Fan's mouth slanted slightly, and he said with a calm smile, "Don't worry about it sooner or later, if you really have the ability, report it now."

Fake King was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect this kid to be so tough, but the embarrassing thing is that he really can't deal with this arrogant guy now.

His eyes changed again and again, and suddenly he saw the top person in charge of the organizer appearing on the stage, and a bright smile appeared on his face.He can't help it, but the organizers have a lot of ways, even if it's just to drive this guy off the stage, prevent him from participating in the competition, and disgust him, then he has won.

Thinking of this, the fake king suddenly gained confidence in his heart, and sneered at Qin Fan in a low voice: "Okay, this is what you said, get ready to get off the stage."

Qin Fan picked out his ears, and said lazily, "Alright, I'll listen to you and wait for your order."

This laziness fell into the fake King's eyes, but he was full of disdain. He suddenly became more angry, turned around and walked towards the top person in charge of the organizer.

(End of this chapter)

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