PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 625 There will be a new paradise

Chapter 625 There will be a new paradise

Yes, this news is definitely not good news for professional players. They yearn for more intense competition and stronger opponents, but they want the crown of glory placed at the top of the pyramid.

When the former members of Caesars just retired, they were sad and frustrated, frustrated by the loss of one of the most powerful opponents and goals, but when the World League was held, they were excited again, because Caesars was no longer It's the former Caesars, and they also hope to take off the laurel crown on the top of the pyramid.

But this hope only burned in their hearts for a few days, and at this moment, the last hope was extinguished by the "Bright Peak" with a few words.

The old part of Caesar was too strong, making them suffocate and despair, but the devil came back as soon as he left, and came back with him, the man who really made them look up to them with all their strength...

This news made all the professional players present feel uneasy and panicked.

The old fans of Caesar are different. They are more excited and looking forward to it. People who like Caesar have 1 reasons to like Caesar, but when Caesar is no longer the old Caesar, even [-] million reasons are not enough In order to support them to continue to like it.

Just when they were hesitating and hesitating, the news came that their idols were coming back!PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds can be as fun as ever again.

But they are destined to be disappointed, because...the original intention of this news was to reject it.

For a bigger stage, for the glory of Caesar's old team to last forever, for all of them to be engraved in the history of e-sports, and even in future textbooks, Qin Fan had to make a choice. people's interests.

Once the general trend he expected comes, it will be like a rolling Yellow River, and everything, including him, including Caesar's old department, will be in it, and may even be submerged.

But there will not be so many intrigues, there will not be so many conflicts of interest, there will not be so many off-stage calculations, there will be a purer e-sports, and there will belong to the real strong players, not hype strong.

There will be a real competitive arena.

But it's too far there, and four years is too short. Qin Fan can only make a big move, desperately, rush forward bravely, and use all his strength to rush forward. At least before leaving e-sports, he will lead a group of people to the first place. This place, let them take root and sprout there, and continue the glory.

And during this period, he will step on all those who stand in the way, regardless of whether the previous relationship was evil or good.

He didn't have the time and energy to appease them one by one. He could only use the roughest and most time-saving way to crush them all the way.

With the departure of the 'Bright Dome', the scene gradually returned to calm, but the recall request of Caesar's old department has spread at an extremely fast speed, and some media outside have even started to make news on various platforms and grab the headlines.

It can be foreseen that the words of 'Bright Peak' will have such a serious impact, but it is a pity that this impact can only be the worst and worst impact on the H country consortium.

The incident fermented silently, but the game had to continue. The host finally regained his sense of existence and began to warm up the scene for the next game.

Qin Fan's troubles are back to troubles, and the country H consortium still has to live, and their Caesar'brand' and king'brand' have to continue to build.

(End of this chapter)

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