Chapter 627 I Can Cook

The matter of ancestor worship and coming-of-age ceremonies is really too big. Each family would rather temporarily put aside their global business, and let the whole clan participate in ancestor worship and coming-of-age ceremonies, which shows how much the family attaches importance to this matter.

That's why Qin Fan also felt that no matter how noisy Miss Hua's family was, she would still go back to participate in ancestor worship and coming-of-age ceremonies. After all, before Hua Shengjie became an adult, she was the benchmark of the younger generation in the family, and her influence was far-reaching...

However... who would have thought that she would dare not go back.

So under the support of various misunderstandings, Qin Fan is still not sure about the identities of Hua Shengjie and Hua Junpei.

If he knew that the two people beside him were Hua Shengjie and Hua Junpei, Qin Fan would definitely come up with corresponding communication methods, and then the conflict between the two would not happen.

It's a pity that there is no if, and the contradiction between the two has already appeared.As for the next meeting, it's probably time for the Hua family and the Qin family to arrange for the two to meet.

Therefore, Qin Fan still didn't know the true identities of the siblings, but if he didn't know, it didn't mean that he could let them take advantage of him if he didn't know their identities.

How could Qin Fan let her take advantage of it, and immediately retorted with a sneer: "Hehe, do I have to tell you about my cooking skills?"

This time it was Hua Junpei's turn to be surprised, she had never seen any heir of a family who could cook.

"Big brother can cook?" Hua Shengjie was also surprised. The heir of the family, who would have the time to learn to cook? He grew up in Hua's parents, and he has never even seen the kitchen at home a few times.

Of course, part of the reason is that his house is too big, and there is a small river in the yard. It takes 10 minutes to row a boat at home to go from east to west. The area is about the same as that of some universities. It is indeed relatively small to see a kitchen. Disaster.

The Qin family is similar, so Qin Fan, a road idiot, doesn't like staying at home. He never remembers the way when he walks, and it's useless to remember the way. Uncle Li accompanied, very annoying.

So he is actually worse than Hua Shengjie, since he was a child, he has always been a school and a bedroom, and he has never even seen his own kitchen, let alone cooking.

When Su Haoming heard Qin Fan say that he knew how to cook, he gave him a weird look, and said leisurely, "Boss, Laotan sauerkraut noodles and braised beef noodles are also considered to be able to cook."

Qin Fan was impatient at the time, he was still not a brother, so why did he tear me down.

"What's wrong with instant noodles? Instant noodles are also noodles, and noodles are rice, and they are also a staple food, so knowing how to make instant noodles is equivalent to knowing how to cook." Qin Fan said nonsense in a serious manner.

Both Hua Shengjie and Hua Junpei are full of black lines. They can cook together, which means they can make instant noodles, right? Didn't they say that the eldest son of the Qin family is aloof? How can he be such a funny young man?

"Yes, not only can you cook, but you can also defeat King." Hua Junpei laughed.

Qin Fan glanced at her, Xin Dao woman is really a vengeful creature, she still remembers what she said four or ten minutes ago so clearly.

"What's the matter, you're not convinced, let's fight for a while?" Qin Fan raised his eyebrows, saying that he has nothing to refute when it comes to cooking, but when it comes to game skills, hehe, I'm sorry, I am the best in the world, and no one is convinced.

(End of this chapter)

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