PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 632 This Will Be a Massacre

Chapter 632 This Will Be a Massacre
"If King brought Caesar's old army, maybe he could compete with them." Gao Leng's female commentator said suddenly, and everyone's eyes lit up and then darkened again.

'Fight for the top'?Is it so reluctant?They have three teams, and we only have one team that claims to be the number one in the world, can we compete with them?And it's only [-]-[-]?This is too embarrassing.

"Hey..." The two male commentators also spoke deeply.

"Are you really planning to jump into the mansion? Don't change it?" Seeing that it was almost time for the mansion to skydive, Hua Junpei asked again.

"Why change it?" Qin Fan said.

"You may meet one of the three world-class teams of AST, NIP, and SK in the mansion, and you may even meet three teams at the same time. With the strength of the two of you, jump down and make a box every minute. It's gone." Hua Junpei kindly reminded that, no matter what, she has been a friend of God for more than 20 years, and she still doesn't want to see this old friend of God's friend fall into a box, and it will be embarrassing.

Qin Fan didn't make any excuses, but raised his eyebrows and asked, "What strength do you think the two of us are?"

"Eh..." Hua Junpei opened her mouth but was unable to answer. She had always looked at Qin Fan with the strength of her own imagination, and it was because of Qin Fan's bragging that she always felt that he seemed very good.

But as for Qin Fan's strength, she found that she still didn't know at all.

Seeing that she was speechless, Qin Fan said with a chuckle: "Don't worry about the two of us, but you two, if they are beaten away by the two of us in a while, there is a high probability that they will change their development point and go to your place It's huge."

The jumping point Hua Junpei chose was the housing area to the northeast of the mansion. There were not many houses there, only a large warehouse and a few small houses, but it was enough to arm two people.The location is not far from the mansion. If you come out of the mansion, this is definitely one of the best spare development points.

The most important point is that they can farm cars in that place. In a large map like the desert, cars are too important. In a sense, cars are even more important than advanced equipment.

Once you start running poison, people with cars have a higher chance of grabbing the best attack and defense points before the enemy. Having a good attack and defense point is more important than having good equipment, so the temptation of this point will increase again. .

Although Hua Junpei didn't understand the strength of Qin Fan and Su Haoming, she didn't think it was possible for the two of them to win among the three super-strong teams. Not only the two of them thought it was impossible, but almost everyone else thought it was impossible. possible.

Even Caesars, who are at their peak, think they can only draw with one of the teams. One team is so strenuous, so three?is it possible?

"What do you think are the chances of you getting out?" Hua Junpei still did not give up persuading Qin Fan.

"Let me tell you this." Qin Fan paused, with a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at Hua Junpei's beautiful face, he said word by word, calmly: "This will be a massacre."

This will be a massacre.

Even if the whole world thinks that Qin Fan can't do it, Qin Fan still has full confidence, because they are not Qin Fan, let alone have Qin Fan's strength, and their understanding of the game is not as high as Qin Fan's, so naturally they don't have Qin Fan's perspective.

So from their point of view, even if King leads Caesars at their peak, they can only be split [-]-[-] with one of the teams.

But from Qin Fan's perspective, this was not a contest at all, but a unilateral massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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