Chapter 634 The Massacre Begins

No. 9 team, you can tell by the name that they are two selected amateur players, no wonder they are so fearless.

"Diana, this is your new glory." Downey joked.

"Hahahaha, but your new glory may not survive 30 seconds in the mansion." Hebron also joked.

Diana's blue and clear eyes rolled their eyes at the two of them and said: "It's already great for them to dare to attack the super-class team. Even if they landed in a box, they are all worthy of pride."

Diana paved the steps for the No. [-] team ahead of time, saving them from being held up and unable to get off the stage after they fell into boxes.

Although she didn't think that the No. [-] team could break through the siege, her eyes were still focused on these two people.Before these two people actually landed in a box, she still seemed to hold a little bit of luck in her heart, expecting these two people to witness a miracle.

But Downey and Hebron were different. They ignored the two No. [-] players at all, and stared straight at the other three super CS:GO teams. They were the real highlights of today's game.Two amateur players are still trying to break out of the super world class?Totally impossible.

Men are rational animals, and their rationality tells them that the two of them must die.Women are emotional animals, so even though Diana knew that these two contestants would almost certainly end up in a box, she still kept a little bit of luck in her heart, and even this little bit of luck in her heart tended to be more important than high-probability events.

However, what they don't know is that these two No. [-] players are not amateur players, but two serious players who belong to the top players in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. top level.

"The players of the AST team parachute very quickly. They are about to open their parachutes. It seems that the NIp team and the sk team will suffer a disadvantage if they go first." Donnie stared at the AST in the air, which was almost at the height of automatic parachute opening. Said the team.

"Not necessarily. Skydiving skills are very important. If they land poorly and fail to find the gun after landing, their first move will be wasted." Hebron added calmly.

"Diana, what do you think?" Downey asked their tall and cold female commentator, but Diana didn't speak for a long time, and she couldn't help but turned her head strangely, only to see Diana staring at the screen with silly eyes, with a look on her face. of sluggishness.

"Diana? What's wrong with you?" Downey asked concerned.

"Nine... Team Nine..." Diana, who has always been known as the beauty of the iceberg, lost her composure today, stumbling and pointing at the corner of the commentary screen.

"Team No. [-]? What's wrong with them? Did they run away?" Donnie raised his eyebrows, but he didn't find Team No. [-] where Diana pointed, and asked suspiciously.

"Don't be sad, they are amateurs after all, and it's normal to run..." Hebron comforted with a smile.

As soon as Hebron finished speaking, there was a characteristic low beep of the Thompson submachine gun in the earphones.

The gunshots of "Zeng Zeng Zeng..." are endless.

'Damn it, it's all the woman's fault, we didn't even know that the three top-notch teams landed. Hebron and Donnie quickly turned their heads to look, and then they were shocked to find that the three teams were still floating leisurely in the sky with their umbrellas open, and two of the ID positions of the NIP team were knocked down The red blood player! ! !

"What's going on!!!" The two were even more shocked. Thomson's submachine gun was still ringing in their ears. Whenever there was the sound of three bullet casings hitting the ground, a CS:GO professional player was shot in the air. fall.

(End of this chapter)

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