Chapter 648 Blood for Life
Qin Fan also couldn't figure out whether the opponent had a secondary weapon, but he still guessed at the worst situation. If the opponent was lucky, he would be a sprayer, and if he went up, he would be dead with an assault rifle or a rifle. , could not be higher.

As for whether the assaulter would hit him while squatting or standing up, Qin Fan didn't dare to guess. The rivalry between the assaulters.

After the test, it will be a real confrontation. Both sides have extremely strong strength. With their level, a confrontation will definitely determine the outcome.

Qin Fan's disadvantage lies in the number of players, while the disadvantage of the two players of the AST team lies in the equipment, but overall, Qin Fan is still at a disadvantage.Competing at the same level, the gap in numbers cannot be made up by equipment.

And this distance, the gap between the troll and UMP9 and AKM is already very small, and more depends on the reaction speed and psychological quality.

There was loud gunshots outside the house, and Su Haoming and the vanguard of the NIP team fought extremely fiercely, and it was hard to tell the winner.

Su Haoming's messy but regular footsteps rustled outside the house, constantly provoking the fighting spirit in the hearts of the three people who were anxiously confronting each other inside the house.

The smoke in the stairwell in the house is still lingering, and the two sides cannot see each other's situation. Everything can only be judged by ears. Whoever can seize the opportunity will have a better chance of winning.

Suddenly, Qin Fan's footsteps moved again, exactly the same as last time, gunshots rang out again at the stairs on the second floor, and the smoke had become thinner, but he couldn't see the muzzle flame that he should have seen through the smoke.

This was also testing Qin Fan's reality. The other party didn't poke his head out at all. The moment Qin Fan was about to lean forward, there was a roar of spray guns on the left and right of the corridor entrance, and the shotguns turned into a pile of bullets like fireworks. Scattered, the wall next to Qin Fan was riddled with holes in an instant.

If these two shots were fired, Qin Fan would have to be killed, but the two powerful attacks did not affect Qin Fan's plan. He still leaned forward as planned, the long and narrow 98K in his hand was like a single shot The old wooden stick stuck directly into the smoke, and the muzzle pointed directly at the door on the left side of the stairs.

He knew that at that position, there was an S686 facing his head.

The S686 shotgun is a gun that can be fired in double bursts. It does not need to be reloaded at all, and the damage is extremely high. In the case of one shot in a small space, this gun is invincible.

In other words, if Qin Fan insisted on shooting this shot, he would definitely take one shot from the opponent. This was a gamble on his life, luck and marksmanship.



98K and S686 sounded almost in no particular order. When the assaulters of the AST team heard the crisp gunshot, they couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, it's really a 98K."

98K, below the third-level head, is killed by one shot, not to mention that he is only a first-level headshot, once he is headshot, he will definitely die.Moreover, he fired the gun first, and when the machine aimed it, the source of the gun was his head. If Qin Fan's ability to listen to the sound and distinguish the position is not bad, one shot could kill him.

Although he was swearing, his hands didn't stop, and he quickly controlled the character to hide behind the bunker.

But it was too late, the distance was so close, the initial velocity of the 98K bullet was much faster than that of the shotgun, not to mention his reaction speed, which was even more crushing.



Two shots were fired.

The old 98K gun body trembled slightly, but the bullets had turned into darkness long before the gun body trembled, carrying an invisible killing intent, breaking through the air and smoke, passing through the dense rain of shotgun bullets, and accurately pointing On top of the enemy's green helmets.

There was only a muffled sound, the green helmet flew upside down, bright red slurry surged, and the assaulter of the AST team fell to the ground with his hands down.

(End of this chapter)

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