Chapter 658 One Man's Hero

The commentary room was dead silent, and neither Downey nor Hebron could have imagined the final outcome. They thought that the two contestants on the [-]th were overreaching and looking for death, but in the end...they witnessed a miracle and let The audience saw the superb body and marksmanship that had not been seen in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds for more than half a year.

Every micro-manipulation is so smooth, so flowing, like a beautiful picture scroll of war art, and like an elegant massacre show, every shot touches the heartstrings of the audience, playing a magnificent song for everyone The counterattack song.

Diana's eyes seemed to hide a clear blue lake with rippling blue waves. She watched the players on the big screen tenderly, and the iceberg that was usually between her brows began to evaporate a little bit at this time.

She is tempted.

Downey and Hebron have always looked down on these two amateur players, but she is different. Although she does not believe that these two players can really counterattack, she always holds a trace of witness The extravagant hope for a miracle, and precisely because of her extravagant hope and her disbelief, made Qin Fan and Su Haoming's desperate counterattack a dawn and a miracle in her heart.

At this moment, Qin Fan has become a savior in her heart.Because in her heart, this contestant must be the Prince Charming who heard her call and came here just for her.

Every woman has a fairy tale in her heart, and Qin Fan probably never imagined that his act of revenge would light up the fairy tale in the heart of an iceberg beauty.

In Diana's heart, the contestant Qin Fan seemed to be her savior, and that was her miracle.

However, this was all her wishful thinking, Qin Fan never felt that she was a savior.On the contrary, he always felt that he was selfish. He would sacrifice everything for his relatives, friends, and siblings. He even lost Caesar and his own reputation.

Isn't that what he's doing now?
He wants to sacrifice the entire e-sports world to fulfill his dream and fulfill his brothers and sisters. He will definitely become the public enemy of the entire e-sports world, a villain who is angry with both men and gods, who steals people's jobs and money.

If his plan is successful, then he will become a pioneer sought after by generations of professional players in the new world, and the supreme leader of a new world.

But if he loses, then he is a villain, a disgrace trying to disrupt the current world, a shit stirrer.

No one can achieve perfect justice. To achieve something, one must sacrifice some people and achieve some people. For the latter, the executor is righteous, while for the former, it is evil.

As for right and wrong, it all depends on the outcome.Winners and losers are the theorem that this world will never change.

Qin Fan is her savior, and it's just her wishful thinking, it's a little secret that belongs to her alone.

One of them is in the European commentary field, while the other's main battlefield is in China. There are actually not many intersections between them.If Qin Fan didn't want to reveal his identity as a member of the No. [-] team, then after this match, they would go their separate ways and there would be no chance of seeing each other again.

Humans are very good at forgetting animals. It may not be long before Diana forgets this so-called savior.But no matter what, at this moment, Qin Fan is the hero in Diana's heart, a hero that belongs to her.

(End of this chapter)

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