Chapter 665 Gunshots
"This distance is about 2000 meters. It seems that there has never been a sniper at this distance in the world competition. Hebron, do you think he can do it?" Downey looked weird, although he did not believe Qin Fan could hit this person, but when he thought of Qin Fan and Su Haoming's amazing maneuvers before, he was really guilty and didn't dare to make a conclusion, so he had to ask Hebron, who knew the most about snipers, for an explanation.

Diana also looked at Hebron when she heard the words, her beautiful eyes showed six points of expectation and four points of worry.

Hebron stared at the preview height and sight position on the screen and pondered for a long time, but in the end he could only shake his head and said, "I don't know, this distance is too far, and there is no official record for reference."

Diana seemed relieved when she heard the words, and the look of anticipation in her pupils grew stronger.

On the other hand, Downey seemed a little disappointed, and was not satisfied with his answer. He intended to kick the ball to Hebron and let him deny Qin Fan, but Hebron actually said that even his great commentary was not enough. I don't know, isn't this fueling the prestige of this No. [-] player?

Hebron really didn't know that the distance was nearly 2000 meters, and his ranging ability could only give a rough idea. Without knowing the distance, it was impossible to judge whether Qin Fan's preview height was accurate.

Since the distance cannot be measured, and there is no official record to refer to, there is no way to judge the level of Qin Fan's shot. This distance has already touched the blind spot of his knowledge.

It is also because no professional player will study the sniper technique at 2000 meters, because it is meaningless, so what if it is knocked down, at such a long distance, with the help of the teammates of the enemy team, it is impossible to kill it at all. If you don't get points if you don't kill, but expose your position instead, it's a thankless thing. It's better to study other useful techniques and tactics.

Downey was thinking about it, and then he heard Hebron say: "However...with a ballistic and range of 98K, hitting someone at 2000 meters is simply a dream, unless his character explodes and his skills are among the world-class professional players. At the top level, otherwise his shot would be impossible to hit, even if the 'Owl' was at its peak, I would say the same."

Hearing his words, Downey's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with a hearty smile, "That's right, that's right, Hebron's analysis makes sense, but I also think it's impossible for him to hit."

Diana frowned slightly, and worry surfaced on her face again. Just as she was about to say a few words for Qin Fan, she heard a crisp sound of 98K.

There was a "bang", the muzzle flame burst out, and the narrow and powerful [-] bullet, like a killer who had been dormant for a long time, escaped with lightning speed, breaking through layers of air waves, and hitting the sky directly.

This shot was like a given movement method, and it froze the figures of tens of thousands of people in the entire venue in an instant. Everyone held their breath, and they didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that their breath would interfere with the trajectory of the bullet. .

Beside Qin Fan, Hua Shengjie also stared at Xu Xu's big eyes, staring at Qin Fan's screen without blinking, ignoring Hua Junpei who had already been knocked down by the enemy...

"What are you looking at?" Hua Junpei couldn't help but follow his gaze when he didn't answer for a long time, only to find that the kid was still looking at Qin Fan's screen.

"Hush..." Hua Shengjie kept her silent without even turning his head.

Hua Junpei: "???"

Who is your eldest sister?You are afraid that you are not someone else's real brother, Hua Junpei felt very wronged immediately, but immediately after, the bright red subtitle in the center of Qin Fan's screen dispelled her wrongedness, and she was stunned on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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