Chapter 681 Counterattack
There was a muffled bang, the bullet hit the back, Qin Fan glanced at the damage, it was 31:[-], it was the AKM again.

At this time, his blood volume was only [-]. At a glance, his blood volume was only a trace of blood red, and it was almost invisible. There was a lot of blood left, and he would be cold here if he was swiped casually.

Fortunately, he had already run to the gate of the big warehouse, entered the big warehouse as soon as he turned the corner, entered the blind spot of vision of the four substitute players of the FAZE team, stuck tightly to the wall, and started spraying medicine.


"The young hero has good posture."

There were bursts of excited shouts in the auditorium, as if Qin Fan had won.Yes, in their view, if Qin Fan can survive in this situation for so long, and even successfully ran into the big warehouse, he has already won.

This thrilling escape show feasted the audience's eyes, and made Downey and Hebron's eyes widen.

In an unobstructed open space, he encountered four enemies at a distance of only 15 meters. However, Qin Fan still escaped to the limit under such hopeless siege
The four members of the FAZE team opened up their guns and formed an offensive formation of four to encircle Qin Fan's position. From time to time, riflemen fired early shots to suppress Qin Fan and prevent him from showing up.

Seeing that the four members of the FAZE team were about to encircle, Qin Fan could only give up spraying, cut out the AKM, and stuck to the wall tightly, like a cheetah that might explode at any time, always ready to fight.

"Why didn't his teammates come down to help him?" Diana suddenly realized this question. After a while, no matter how slow her teammates were, it was impossible for her to fail to respond.

And now the four substitute players of the FAZE team have all been exposed in the open space without a bunker. If the teammates who are in the house suddenly attack, they will definitely be able to catch them.

Diana's question caught the audience's attention, and the battle royale was so thrilling that they all forgot about it.

'Could it be that the No. [-] team has internal strife? 'Many people think so.

Qin Fan's current state is too crippled, any stray bullet will kill him no matter where it hits, how can it be possible to hit four in this state!This is unprecedented in the professional game.

But if there are three teammates in the housing area to support, the situation will be different. The four members of the FAZE team don't even have a bunker. Under the attack of the three, they have only two choices, either run away and find a bunker, or forcefully stay on the spot fight back.

Regardless of the former or the latter, the situation of the four members of the FAZE team is at a disadvantage. No matter how you look at it, this amateur team has a great chance of winning.

But no, the three people on the second floor never showed up.

Just when the audience was puzzled, the little figure on the screen who had been cornered suddenly moved.

The four Faze team substitutes outside were about to run away, and when they went to other directions to attack Qin Fan, Qin Fan suddenly jumped up, and jumped out of the big warehouse with a squat jump, just in time to jump into the center of the four of them.

"Ah..." There were exclamations from the audience.

No one could have imagined that a man with a lot of blood would dare to take the initiative to attack four enemies with full blood! The four substitute players of the FAZE team also did not expect that there would be such a bold person.

But after being a little surprised, they were ecstatic, and the meat on the cutting board jumped out, so they didn't have to spend all their energy to encircle and suppress it.

Four professional players began to besiege Qin Fan in the open space. They were very angry at this slippery player, so they were also very happy and excited to see him jumping out so consciously.

However, before the smiles at the corners of their mouths fully bloomed, they gradually froze.

(End of this chapter)

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