Chapter 685 Invincible Lu Bu
As Caesar's captain, free agent and deputy assaulter, Qin Fan is a player who completely suppresses opponents in IQ, technology, tactics and other aspects. He is different from Su Haoming and others. Su Haoming and others are extremely outstanding in a certain aspect. Relying on this outstanding field, we can achieve many enemies with one enemy.

And Qin Fan is a pure all-round player, with all-round weapons, all-round operation, and all-round tactics, so he has broken the "law of two people in the world arena", "law of three people in the world arena", "four-man in the world arena" more than once on the world stage. In the end, the single-man team eliminated the full formation of faze, broke the "law of four in the world arena" again, and reached the pinnacle of the all-around field.

Today, on the world stage, after King, there is another person who broke the "rule of four in the world arena" and wiped out Faze's substitute team, and also reached the pinnacle of the all-around field.

This made King's fans feel an urgent sense of crisis. King's fans follow King as an example, and everyone is prosperous, and everyone is hurt. When King's status is challenged, they will naturally feel threatened.

When Qin Fan showed his strength in the first aspect, the fans were excited, because they hadn't seen such an exciting battle for a long time.When Qin Fan showed his strength in the second aspect, they were shocked, because Qin Fan's strength once again surpassed their imagination.

And when Qin Fan showed his all-round strength, fans began to worry, they deeply felt the threat of being challenged to their idol status.

'This person is too strong. 'This is probably the voice of King's fans now.

King's PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds No.1 title was established by breaking the "law of four in the world league" again and again, and now there is another person who can break the "law of four in the world league".

Although this 'amateur player' wiped out Faze's substitute, and King wiped out Faze's official team members, there is a certain gap in the strength of the annihilated targets.

However, Qin Fan's extreme anti-killing show with a lot of residual blood looks more thrilling than the scene when he wiped out the official faze team before, and the mandala spear technique used by Qin Fan is also more eye-catching and more eye-catching than the dragging spear technique. The gorgeousness directly affects the senses of the audience.

Downey and Hebron had completely fallen silent, with expressions of horror on their faces.

At this point, they didn't even dare to say a word. Qin Fan's performance has far exceeded their professional knowledge, and has exceeded their ability to explain.

This feeling... they haven't had it since King retired, and yet, now there's someone else who gives them that familiar feeling.

This kind of feeling that made the commentator doubt his professional ability, and made the commentators dare not say anything except amazed came back...

Diana's beautiful eyes were full of shock, she couldn't recover from looking at the delicate face on the monitor for a long time...

Although she has been speaking for the No. [-] player of the No. [-] team, she never thought that he could really achieve such a limit, such a perfect, such a brilliant anti-killing show.

With one enemy four, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men cannot open it. It is really like a god descending into the world, unparalleled in the world.

"Invincible Lu Bu, this is what a man should look like." Diana propped her cold face with her hands, lying in front of the monitor, her face was pink, and she looked like a little girl emotionally.

(End of this chapter)

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