Chapter 687 Am I Too Stupid

Steady and steady basic skills plus Tianma Meteor's tactical coordination and tactical application, plus superb talent bonuses, can create a strong man.

Hua Shengjie is still in its infancy. He is a genius. A genius can learn things faster than a person with a poor talent. He can also go farther than a person with a low talent. But the road is built little by little. At high places, you have to fight steadily, step by step, just like He Xiaoqing.

If you don't have the basic skills to fight steadily, you don't know how to cooperate and apply tactics, and you have nowhere to display your talent.But Hua Shengjie caught up with the good time. He was lucky enough to meet Qin Fan, Su Haoming, and the strongest person in the field of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

So he didn't have to rely on his own groping to move forward like Qin Fan and the others did in the early days. Qin Fan had already prepared for him what he needed to learn.

And he just needs to follow the steps step by step and walk forward in Qin Fan's footsteps.

Hua Shengjie didn't believe in evil, so he tried again, but the second time he only hit halfway, and he couldn't even press the keys with his left hand...

The character effect cultivated by the family played a role at this time. Finding problems and facing up to difficulties are the qualities that every family member must possess.

When his physical strength is not enough to support him to play a set of movements, he will play half a set first, and then start to rest while looking for his own problems, looking for mistakes, and correcting them little by little.

When his physical strength was no longer enough for him to play half a set of moves, he would play one-third of the set, and then continued to polish his skills a little bit.

He didn't give up, he kept practicing, trying to find the right method, until his left arm was completely out of strength and he couldn't even lift it, Hua Shengjie looked at Qin Fan with a bitter face: "Brother Qin , How did you come up with such a difficult marksmanship?"

During the whole process, Hua Junpei, Qin Fan, and Su Haoming did not interrupt him, and let him study and explore by himself. This is a necessary process. They are all experienced and know the importance of this process.

While helping Hua Shengjie relax his left arm muscles, Qin Fan smiled and said, "Actually, I didn't create it myself. This set of marksmanship was created by someone else. I just learned it from him."

"Then how long have you been studying?" Hua Shengjie enjoyed Qin Fan's massage, and his delicate facial features showed a bit of comfort and comfort.

Hua Junpei also looked at Qin Fan when she heard the words. She originally thought that this marksmanship was created by Qin Fan himself.

"I just watched it once, and then adapted his marksmanship to suit me." Qin Fan raised his eyebrows and said with a sullen expression.

Hua Junpei was slightly startled, but her expression remained calm.Hua Shengjie exclaimed directly, he really realized how difficult it would be to play out these movements smoothly and without sluggishness, but his eldest brother of the Qin family only read it once I learned it, and adapted it into a body method that suits me. I really deserve to be my idol.

"Am I too stupid?" Thinking of this, Hua Shengjie was a little frustrated. Qin Fan learned it once and could adapt it, but he couldn't even type it after reading it. This was a big blow.

In fact, it's not that he is stupid, it's just that his experience, vision, basic skills, etc. are too poor.

At the level of Qin Fan's vision and basic skills, any kind of advanced e-sports technology in the world is no secret to him, let alone difficult.

No matter how powerful or complex a technique is, it cannot escape the application of basic skills in the end. Seeing through the appearance, penetrating the essence, and grasping the core of the technique, one can naturally master the technique.

(End of this chapter)

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