Chapter 689 Choice
So facing Hua Shengjie's reason, Su Haoming really didn't have any temper at all. How could he be brought out by Qin Fan.

I massaged Hua Shengjie's left arm for a while, until he felt that his left arm could use his upper strength, and then let him do stretching exercises by himself to avoid muscle strain.

Mandala Spear requires no less than a [-]-meter sprint in terms of finger speed. If you don't do long-term training or warm up in advance, if you use it rashly, you will strain your arm muscles, although nothing will be left. Hidden danger.

But if it is not done well, the left arm will hurt for half a month, which is quite uncomfortable. Qin Fan and Guiliang have experienced it before. It's not good to eat, let alone serve a bowl...

That period of time was simply their nightmare. Experienced this kind of lesson once is enough to be unforgettable for a lifetime. Although those days were painful and happy, for those who have already reached the peak, none of them want to have those days again. gone back.

To go up is to become stronger, to go down is to fall, and to go back means that they have lost, but their current situation does not allow them to fail again.

In the commentary live broadcast room, Diana was still staring at half of the side face on the screen in a daze, when she suddenly saw the man get up and pull the teenager beside him, and the three of them slipped away from the surveillance cameras like thieves.

Diana stood up abruptly, looked puzzled and slightly flustered through the window of the commentary room to look at the position of the No. [-] team, only to find that there was only one person left there.

A... woman in a daze.

Diana panicked. She originally planned to meet the master in person after the game, but the master slipped away ahead of time!
Diana looked at the two colleagues in the live broadcast room, and then at the direction where the backs of Qin Fan and the three disappeared, with a look of struggle on her face, as if she was making a very serious choice.

After thinking for a long time, Diana suddenly turned around, opened the door of the commentary room and was about to go out. Downey and Hebron were startled when they heard the sound, and quickly turned off their microphones and walked towards Diana.

"Diana, where are you going? Do you know the consequences of leaving the commentary room in the middle of the world competition?" Downey frowned. He is the main commentator this time. If something happens to the commentary this time, he will I have to bear some responsibilities, so I am naturally nervous.

Hebron also frowned at Diana, waiting for her explanation.This is not a regional national competition, let alone a small competition, but a world league. Players all over the world are watching today's game, and he believes that Diana knows the importance of it.

However, there are three commentators here. If one of the commentators leaves for a minute or two, it’s okay. Colleagues can help cover up the commentary rhythm and wait for her to come back. But if it takes a long time, it will be over. The influence is too extensive and too bad In the future, at most, she will be on stage for a small competition, and she may not be invited to a national competition.

In other words, if the commentator leaves the field halfway, he is killing himself and looking for death.

"I..." As the words came to her lips, Diana hesitated a little. The gamble was too high, and it was related to her future reputation in the commentary industry and her future career.

But even if she gave up her career, what she got in exchange might be just a glimpse from a distance, and in the future, the two of them would drift into the ocean and forget each other.

'Is it worth doing this for a stranger who might forget each other? ' Diana searched for an answer in her mind, but she couldn't ask.

As calm as she is, Diana, the number one beauty in the European commentary world known as the iceberg beauty, feels confused for the first time.

Love is poison, it really makes people stupid and stupid.

This medicine has already entered her throat, whether she takes it or not is just a matter of a thought.

(End of this chapter)

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