Chapter 693 Goodbye
Guiliang and the others drank the strong wine, pursed their lips, their eyes were red, and they were speechless for a long time.

They shouted this battle song in their hearts every day during training, and hoped that one day in the future, it would be able to make it appear again on the championship stage of the World League.

"Brother..." Guiliang raised his head suddenly. There were many words in his stomach that he hadn't had time to say to Qin Fan. Those words lingered on his lips for a long time, but finally he could only say: "Goodbye."

Qin Fan patted Guiliang on the shoulder, he knew what Guiliang wanted to say, and he also knew what these brothers were thinking in their hearts. He just felt that they were sorry for what he had done for them, and they had nothing to repay him.

But that's not what he needs, he just wants to see that his brothers are doing well, that's enough.

"When I am not by your side, each of you must learn how to stand alone. I will break the rules, create an era, and lead you to become a giant in the future e-sports world. I don't want anyone to be left behind in this process. Your achievements are given to you. My best repayment." After Qin Fan said, he packed up his belongings and prepared to leave.

"Everything is fine, if there is any difficulty, please call me."

This was the last sentence Qin Fan uttered during the meal, thousands of words, but in the end he still couldn't let go of these old brothers.


In the world competition, it took Hua Junpei a long time to react to Qin Fan's shock, but when he came back to his senses, he found that the other three members of the team had disappeared, and his heart immediately became cold.

His third younger brother came to Country Y to take her back, but before he could bring her back, he was abducted by the young master of the Qin family. This matter was so serious, if his father found out, he would have to go to the Qin family to ask for her. Can't say...

Originally, Hua Junpei was planning to call Hua Shengjie to persuade him, but in the middle of the game, he ran into 'king' at the power station, and his mind went down again, so he just put this matter aside and followed ' The king's fan team went to have fun together.

The organizer specially organized this competition, the purpose of which is to justify the identity of the fake 'King', and let the audience accept the 'New Kaiser' team, even the millennium second, the faze team, was invited by the organizer to serve as a foil for them.

However, in this competition, the most outstanding team was No. [-] passerby team, which directly stole the limelight from 'New Caesar' and 'king', making the organizers hate it...

Although three players in Team No. [-] withdrew midway, their amazing record and strength were imprinted in the minds of all players, especially Player No. [-], who was directly awarded the title of No. [-] in the world by the players. After all, 'King' once again used the 'drag gun' solo team to destroy the faze team in this game.

Although it is said that 'king' used the dragging technique this time is not particularly ideal, but at least the record is there. One group is destroyed by the official players of Faze, while the other group is destroyed by the substitute players, and the group is destroyed. Qin Fan, who was a substitute, was ranked No.2 by everyone as it should be...

But to the satisfaction of the organizers, this game finally succeeded in confirming the identity of the fake 'king', although the lineup of the 'New Caesar' was still questioned.

But as long as the fake 'king' status is confirmed, they will be equivalent to grasping the right to speak and the advantage of public opinion in the e-sports circle. Just kill anyone.

With the blessing of King's fame, as long as they don't make any big mistakes, their e-sports empire will definitely have a smooth journey.

Moreover, there is no particularly powerful consortium competing with them for the not-too-fat cake of the e-sports circle, and a few clubs with relatively strong backgrounds are not enough to form a big obstacle for them.

(End of this chapter)

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