Chapter 696 Three Questions
Diana was both shocked and flustered, thinking to herself, this woman's ostentation is really scary.

But after all, there are a lot of people here, she is not afraid that they will do something outrageous to her, so she walked in grandly along the passage made by the teenagers.

"You are..." Diana was just about to ask who Hua Junpei is, but immediately felt that the question was a bit sensitive, and knowing too much might not be a good thing, so she quickly stopped talking and said, "You and Jiu What is the relationship between the No. [-] player of the No. [-] team?"

Hua Junpei didn't look back at her, but kept facing her from the back, and said calmly, "You can ask three questions, this is the first one."

"You..." Diana felt angry and wanted to explode, but when she looked at the group of inexplicably noble people behind her, she suddenly froze, and could only compromise, and said through gritted teeth: "Okay, then you answer first. My first question."

Hua Junpei closed her eyes slightly, and said unhurriedly, "I refuse to answer this question. You still have two questions."

"Are you kidding me?" Diana's stern and pretty face was distorted by Hua Junpei's anger, especially Hua Junpei's unhurried tone and attitude of not turning her head back, made her There is a feeling of being underestimated, and the anger in my heart is even stronger.

"Is this the second question?" Hua Junpei could hear the anger in her voice, but she still didn't look back, her pretty face was full of grace and luxury, without any expression of emotion, her tone was still indifferent and calm.

Diana gritted her teeth tightly, looking at her appearance, she seemed to want to bite Hua Junpei's jade back hard, but now she has no room to bargain, and now she can only play according to Hua Junpei's rules.

There are only two questions left. She wants to use these two questions to determine the connection between herself and the No. [-] player of the No. [-] team. This is not a small problem for her, and she needs to think carefully.

After calming down and thinking for a long time, Diana slowly asked her second question: "Can you give me the contact information of the No. [-] player of the No. [-] team?"

Hua Junpei was moved for the first time, the question was straightforward enough, and the amount of information was large, which directly aroused Hua Junpei's curiosity.

After a long silence, Hua Junpei turned to look at Diana and said, "...I don't have his contact information, but I can help you find his contact information."

"Okay." Diana breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, at least there is hope for the connection between herself and the No. [-] player of the No. [-] team.

Just as she was about to ask the third question, she suddenly saw a young man who was about the same height as her step up behind her, bowed to the queen-like woman in front of her, and said, "Sister, it's not right to do this, Qin There is a relationship between that person and you..."

For a long time, Qin Fan and Hua Junpei have not even kept a contact information. Firstly, it is because they don't have this kind of spare time, and secondly, it is because the time has not come yet. Baby relatives between aristocratic families should be more conservative.

How can we meet each other easily without going through the door? This is against the rules.

Who doesn't know that Qin Mingyang's talent is as high as the sky, and who doesn't see that the Qin family's great potential can be expected.Regardless of whether the Hua family and the Qin family are well-matched at the moment, in the eyes of the children of the major families, it is a great honor for Hua Junpei to marry Qin Mingyang.

Even the Hua family's children felt honored to tell them about it. Their eldest lady would marry Qin Mingyang in the future, an idol that all the children of the family would worship.

However, now their eldest sister wants to try every means to give the contact information of the eldest son of the Qin family to a strange woman, and she is also a strange woman with a good purple color. Isn't this embarrassing herself?

(End of this chapter)

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