Chapter 699
Diana felt Hua Junpei's feelings for Qin Fan, but she could also see that Hua Junpei was unwilling to face this feeling. Added a rival in love to himself, and left as if fleeing.


According to Qin Fan's plan, Hua Shengjie stayed in Europe and followed Su Haoming and Wang Bo to learn how to be an excellent striker.

Several outstanding children of the Hua family were stunned. They came to Europe to cooperate with Hua Shengjie to bring their eldest sister back. In the end, Hua Junpei took them back, but they left Hua Shengjie in Europe. up...

Hua Shengjie also communicated with the old man of the Hua family, and wants to visit Europe more before the coming-of-age ceremony.

In the end, even the old man of the Hua family agreed, and the others had nothing to say. They could only let Hua Shengjie make trouble. They had no choice but to hand over to the highest person in charge of the Hua family in Europe, and they must protect Hua Shengjie's personal safety. .

Before leaving, Qin Fan deliberately did some ideological work for Hua Shengjie, to the effect that he should let go of his identity and learn the life and social methods of ordinary people.

Qin Fan didn't teach him how to learn specifically, it's best for Hua Shengjie to experience this process by himself, so as to get the maximum benefit.

In particular, the most exhorted Hua Shengjie was about the identities of Hua Shengjie and Qin Fan's aristocratic families. He was urged not to let him go out. He was worried that Guiliang and the others would feel guilty after knowing their identities. Thoughts, these guys have too much self-esteem, Qin Fan doesn't want to hurt them because of this.

The seven members of the Greedy Wolf team have also played against several world-class first-line teams in this game, and they have more or less absorbed some experience and tactics. They also roughly know that their current level is in the world team. What level is it, and I have a relatively clear positioning of my current level.

At present, the strength of the Greedy Wolf team is between the second-tier and first-tier teams in the world. If you want to win the top eight or top four in the world league, it is okay, but if you want to win the championship or runner-up, There is little hope.

Sun Wood and the others are still immersed in their professional skills, but they don't know that at this moment, their head coach, the nanny Li Changxiao, is secretly preparing for them to transfer to the club.

We can’t tell them about this matter for the time being, at least before we actually ask for their consent. Firstly, we are worried that it will affect their mentality and that they will mess up. Secondly, we are worried that they will leak the news. These guys Except for Sun Wood, the city mansion is not particularly deep, and they can't hide things in their hearts. It's better not to let them know about this kind of secret thing for the time being.

On the other hand, Li Changxiao has asked someone to register a shell company for Qin Fan in China, put Qin Fan's name on it, and has already started to raise funds. Start-up capital.

Li Changxiao didn't have the slightest psychological burden to lie to these people.

Investment, what you love and what I want, how can it be a lie.

All capital is evil, I helped you bear the evil you cheated from elsewhere, this is doing good deeds, how can it be a lie.

And this matter is even less psychologically burdensome from Qin Fan's point of view. How was he forced out of the e-sports circle? None of the fat sheep he selected was innocent, and none of the people who should pay the price Can't run away.

(End of this chapter)

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