Chapter 715

"Brother Liu, does the Liu family have so many stocks?" Chen Yibian asked Liu Yunfan in a low voice.

Liu Yunfan smiled and didn't speak. The Liu family's inventory is naturally much more than the tea in Qin Fan's hands now.

But... when those tea leaves are spread out, there will not be so much in everyone's hands, that is to say, even he, a direct descendant of the Liu family, has never gotten so much tea at one time.

The two were talking when they suddenly heard Qin Fan ask Li Changxiao: "What kind of tea do you like?"

Li Changxiao naturally understood that Qin Fan was planning to give him tea, and from his eyes, he could tell that Qin Fan's tea was of a higher grade than the tea he gave to Qin Fan before, and it could be called the top tea. pointy.

There are so many top-quality tea leaves piled together, and the value is quite high, Li Changxiao couldn't help but get short of breath when looking at them, and he had never seen so many good tea leaves.

After adjusting his breathing, he still said in a slightly embarrassed way: "Longjing and Yunwu, just give me some to taste."

This kind of tea can no longer be measured by money alone. In the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of tea is a symbol of identity and status.

Although Li Changxiao likes such precious things, he is too embarrassed to ask for more.Although he has turned to Qin Fan now, in the final analysis, he and Qin Fan have only known each other for less than three months, and the relationship between the two of them is actually worth only a few sips of tea.

People value self-knowledge, and he still has this self-knowledge.

However, when these words fell into Chen Yibian's ears, they had a different flavor. He looked at Qin Fan with a playful face and said, "I thought Li Changxiao's new employer would be so rich, so it turned out that he wasn't even willing to give him a few sips of tea leaves." , Li Changxiao, if you follow me..."

Chen Yibian was only halfway through when he saw Qin Fan push all the Longjing tea and Yunwu tea to Li Changxiao...

Chen Yibian was stunned immediately, is this kid so rich?For such a priceless thing, it's two big bags for one gift?

Liu Yunfan was stunned for a moment, the two big bags had already been given to him by the Liu family for half a year, but Qin Fan gave it as he said, which was more generous than his Liu family, is this really a poor boy?Liu Yunfan couldn't get his head around...

When the brains of the two were in the right place, Qin Fan turned around and threw a large bag of tea to the waiter who had been eagerly looking at Qin Fan for a long time. The waiter was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

Immediately after hearing Qin Fan say: "For you."


Happiness came too suddenly, a bit unacceptable.

Chen Yibian and Liu Yunfan looked at Qin Fan like a fool, wondering if this person is a fool?Don't you know the value of these tea leaves?Thinking in this way, the two started chatting, thinking about buying some tea at a low price from the waiter, or from Qin Fan, anyway, this kid doesn't know the true value of these teas.

However, Qin Fan's next words dispelled their thoughts: "These teas can't be kept, and if you don't use them quickly, they will be damp. No matter how good things are, they will be useless if they are broken." Turned around, and continued: "In addition, these teas are only for you to taste, and you are not allowed to sell them or exchange them with others."

Hearing this, the waiter nodded again and again, assuring again and again that he would never sell it.Just kidding, with his status, he might be able to drink such a rare tea once in his life. This is simply a blessing he cultivated in his previous life, and he would never sell it without Qin Fan's warning.

(End of this chapter)

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