Chapter 724
The atmosphere in the room suddenly became weird.

The people in this room are either from the e-sports circle, or those who plan to enter the e-sports circle.

Logically speaking, the lowest status among them is the outdated professional player Qin Fan, followed by Li Changxiao who has been abandoned by his old club.The one with the highest status should be Wang Boliang, the owner of the Caesars Club, followed by the three operational leaders of the H-state consortium.

However, the current situation is that these four e-sports bigwigs are frightened by Qin Fan, the lowest-status ex-professional player present, and their hands and feet are cold.

Chen Yibian was in a daze. He looked at Wang Boliang, who was kneeling on the ground and refused to get up, at the three frightened incoherent operation leaders of the H consortium, and at Qin, who was smiling all over his face. Vatican suddenly felt that his world view was going into confusion.

Wtf?what's the situation?Is the world upside down?Why is the person with the highest status so frightened by the person with the lowest status! ?
Liu Yunfan also looked around in a daze, his eyes wandering around the five people, trying to analyze the current situation.

At this point, the answer is actually very obvious, and Liu Yunfan has roughly guessed that these people must have had some stories before, and in this unknown story, Qin Fan obviously had the upper hand, and left these people behind. An indelible psychological shadow.

Liu Yunfan looked at Qin Fan more and more uncertainly. Today, he originally wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Wang Boliang and the H consortium, so as to make room for himself to enter the e-sports circle in the future, but now he is a little hesitant. Qin Fan's sudden appearance made his goal start to waver.

Qin Fan didn't show any abilities or background that shocked him today, but everything that happened so far made Liu Yunfan feel that this outdated e-sports player is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

He decided to wait and see for a while, to see Qin Fan's future performance before placing bets.

"It seems that you still remember me. How have you been doing in the past six months?" Qin Fan poured a cup of tea for himself and Li Changxiao, and the old god was sitting on the straw mat while drinking the tea while talking, It's like chatting with an old friend you haven't seen for many years.

Facing Qin Fan's indifferent attitude, Wang Boliang and the three operation leaders of the H country consortium did not dare to relax in the slightest, and they didn't even dare to face Qin Fan head-on. They just nodded without speaking, like four An elementary school student who was caught by the teacher for not doing his homework.

"What are you afraid of? I was the one who was kicked out of the e-sports circle back then. You are the real winners, aren't you?" Qin Fan said with a smile.

"Hehe...hehe." The four of them laughed again and again, but they still didn't speak.

They still clearly remember that in the battle of wits and courage with the king, even though they cooperated internally and externally, with the assistance of many Huaxia consortiums, they still suffered heavy losses and lost billions of money in vain.

After finally taking down the Caesars Club, Qin Fan flung them more than 1000 million pats on the ass and left before they started to punish the king...

The more than one billion blame is still on the heads of the three of them, but because of the embarrassment of this incident, they were forcibly suppressed by the H country consortium.

When they saw Qin Fan at this time, the three of them thought of the billions of pots that weighed as much as a mountain...

That's more than one billion yuan, which may not be a big deal to the H country consortium, but for the three of them, this is an astronomical figure that they will spend their entire lives looking up to.

(End of this chapter)

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