Chapter 728 Selling the king
"It's not a good habit to waste food. Sit down and eat down-to-earth. What are you busy with in your club?" Qin Fan said with a sneer.

These three guys were determined to leave, but how could Qin Fan follow their wish, he came here today just for these three people, how could he let them leave before the matter was discussed?

The three of them were in a dilemma, seeing Qin Fan's determination, they could only sit back obediently.

When the three of them sat down, Qin Fan waved his hand and signaled for the dishes to be served, and while arranging the tableware, he smiled at Wang Boliang and the three operation leaders of the H consortium: "I thought your big boss of 'Bright Peak' would come today, but it's a pity. "

The three of them felt a little unhappy when they heard the word 'Guangmingding'. The 'Guangmingding' Qin Fan said was their immediate boss, and they were called 'Guangmingding'. How could they be willing, but what if they didn't want to? In the same way, facing Qin Fan, they did not dare to have any dissatisfaction.

I had no choice but to continue to smile at Qin Fan without saying a word, Qin Fan continued: "Today, there are three main things that need a few pointers."

When the three of them heard the word pointing, they quickly waved their hands and said, "Don't dare, Brother Qin is as capable as the heavens, and I can't wait, so I dare not give pointers."

Just kidding, half a year ago, you fought against us and a consortium by yourself, and you cost us more than one billion before taking down Caesar, and you asked us to guide you?Are you deliberately exposing our scars?
Qin Fan took a mouthful of peas, chewed and swallowed them slowly, then put down his chopsticks, and continued, "That's not okay, these three things must be discussed with a few of you."

Before the three of them could speak, Qin Fan continued: "The fake king image you created is still in the stage of stabilizing its reputation. I think you don't want his image to collapse before your plan is completed."

This sentence directly pierced the hearts of the three of them. Qin Fan is the real king. With his means, it couldn't be easier to make their fake king image collapse in advance.

Thinking of this, all three of them had a headache. At the beginning, they repeatedly reminded the high-level officials of the H-country consortium not to underestimate the methods of the king. The image of the fake king must be carefully created, step by step, and not be rushed. However, the three of them have long been reduced to inside the consortium jokes, their opinions are not listened to at all.

It's all right now, the handle is in Qin Fan's hands, Qin Fan can squeeze them as much as he wants, they don't have any temper at all.

The three of them probably don't know yet. After the World League, the top executives of the H country consortium have already regretted it, but they just kept saving face and didn't say anything...

Now that Qin Fan directly sacrificed Shang Fang's sword, the three of them had to talk if they didn't want to, and they didn't have any temper at all.

Qin Fan sneered and shook his head. These three people really didn't cry when they saw the coffin. They had to let me put a knife on their necks to sit down and talk obediently.

"Just tell me, how can we not pursue the king's plan with us." The three asked.

"This is the first thing I want to talk to you about. If you help me cancel the ban order and apologize to the media, I can officially sell the king's reputation right, including the king's account, as a gift."

"Oh? Seriously?" When the three of them heard the words, their eyes lit up.

If Qin Fan is really willing to sell the king's reputation rights and his account in a commercial manner, then their fake king is no longer a fake king, but a real king worthy of the name.And if this matter can be negotiated, it will be a great achievement for the three of them, and they will wash away their shame in the H country consortium at once.

(End of this chapter)

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