PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 734 According to your plan

Chapter 734 According to your plan

"Give me your previous plan for dealing with He Xiaoqing." Qin Fan ignored his refusal and said directly.

"This...isn't appropriate." The operation officer said with a dry smile. If the plan was exposed, it would have too much impact on Caesar's reputation, and it is really not suitable to show it to others.

"Bring it here." Qin Fan said resolutely: "Do you have to let me scold 'Guangmingding' and then let 'Guangmingding' scold you so you can be obedient?"

The operating officer was speechless. Now Qin Fan doesn't have any sense of trust in them, and he does his own way, which makes him, the executor, feel very uncomfortable.

What was even more depressing was that Qin Fan didn't reason with them at all, and used his power to overwhelm them at every turn.

However, no matter how uncomfortable they felt, no matter how depressed they were, no matter how unwilling to cooperate, they could only obediently follow what Qin Fan said, without daring to show any temper...

Qin Fan has no trust and patience for them now. If they dare to toss with Qin Fan in secret, all the current plans of the H consortium will face the risk of collapse.

The operation officer obediently took out the plan that he had made for Li Bushi and He Xiaoqing before, and Qin Fan read it word by word and got a rough idea of ​​their plan.

It was just that He Xiaoqing was weak-tempered, so he didn't need to use any tricks or words at all, he just needed to use the simplest and rude method to drive him away.

On the other hand, Li Bushi's temperament is relatively strong. Simple and rude methods won't work.

So they kept He Xiaoqing first, and used He Xiaoqing's "knife" to force Li Bushi to voluntarily choose to retire without compensation.

Now their plan should be almost finished, and Li Bushi has been successfully driven away by them. The next step is to drive away He Xiaoqing by violent means, and the finishing work can basically be carried out.

The timing of Qin Fan's arrival can be said to be neither too early nor too late, just when Li Buji left Shanghai. If he came one or two days later, He Xiaoqing might have been driven away by these people with violence.

Sweat dripped from the operations officer's forehead, and he looked at Qin Fan nervously. Qin Fan only needs to take out his mobile phone and upload their proposal to the Internet, and Caesar's reputation will collapse. Can he not be nervous?

However, Qin Fan did not do this, and it is not yet time to bring down Caesar.

After reading it, Qin Fan put away the materials, and said to the operation officer, "Just follow your plan."

"Huh?" The operation officer looked at Qin Fan in confusion, not understanding what Qin Fan meant. What do you mean by following their plan?Could it be that they were asked to expel He Xiaoqing directly by violent means?

"Call He Xiaoqing over, follow the violent means in your plan, don't you understand?" Qin Fan said impatiently, he had no patience with the people from the H country consortium.

"Yes, yes, I'll do it right away." The operation officer was full of doubts, but seeing that Qin Fan was already impatient, he didn't dare to ask, so he could only do what Qin Fan asked.

"Wait a minute." The operation officer was stopped by Qin Fan just as he walked to the door: "Find some microphones and bring them to me. I want to monitor them in real time."


What does this mean?We are asked to use violent means to expel He Xiaoqing, and we need to monitor him in real time?How much hatred is this?Didn't it mean that He Xiaoqing and King are as close as brothers?How could you use such indecent means to retaliate...

The operation officer became more and more confused, but he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he hurried to get Qin Fan the mic with full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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