Chapter 742 Fighting Together
He was forcibly kicked out of Caesar, and there was no retreat, but at the same time, he no longer had any scruples. All the fear, all the weakness, and all the inferiority complex in the past were chewed up and spat out by him at this moment.

After Qin Fan left, he already understood that these things could not protect him. If he wanted to protect himself, he had to walk with his back proudly like Qin Fan, and he had to fill his mind with love like Qin Fan. Knowledge, like Qin Fan, must be arrogant, domineering, tough, and aggressive towards opponents without leaving any future troubles.

So in the past six months, he has worked hard to learn knowledge, filled his little head with a cabinet of books, and also worked hard to learn Qin Fan's handling methods and attitude.

I followed Qin Fan for four or five years, and witnessed how Qin Fan struggled at the bottom of e-sports step by step, how he established Caesars step by step, and how he led Caesars to the top step by step. It can be said that the members of the former Caesars team Here, no one knows Qin Fan better than him.

If there is one person in Caesar's old department who can learn half of Qin Fan's ability and wisdom, then this person must be He Xiaoqing.

After so many years of close relationship, Qin Fan has been imprinted in his heart like a shadow, but there has been no sufficient external force to stimulate it.

Until now, the shadow in his heart finally began to play a role.

When he had nowhere to retreat, when Qin Fan no longer protected him, the shadow of Qin Fan in his heart stood up and became one with him, fighting side by side, sheltering from the wind and rain with him, just like It was as if Qin Fan was still by his side...

The three operation officers looked at He Xiaoqing with horror in their eyes. At that moment, in a trance, they actually had the illusion of seeing Qin Fan. It was so frightening.

The sparring partners also looked at each other, looking at each other, they were in shock for a while, for some reason, He Xiaoqing was standing there alone, so many of them felt fear in a daze.

'Could it be that the world's number one sniper... is coming back? 'The sparring partners are a little panicked. If their guess is true, then their e-sports journey may have come to an end...

But they were overthinking, He Xiaoqing's skills hadn't recovered yet, only his temperament had changed. If they had been in contact with Qin Fan, they would naturally feel that He Xiaoqing's behavior and even his speech and demeanor were somewhat similar to Qin Fan's.

However, with their pitiful e-sports status as sparring partners, how could it be possible to get in touch with Qin Fan, and of course it was even more impossible to distinguish it from He Xiaoqing's demeanor.

With their poor cognition, they can only make such a judgment.

What's more, even when He Xiaoqing was at the peak of his strength, his behavior style was not as arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant as it is today, so they were just guessing wildly and scaring themselves.

The three operation officers felt a little guilty. They really don't dare to provoke He Xiaoqing now. Who doesn't know that this kid is the person who has been in contact with the king for the longest time. He must have been infected by the king. He has already "learned badly". .

Qin Fan's methods back then had a terrible psychological shadow on them. Their plan was implemented step by step, and it was extremely insidious.So much so that even now when they think of Qin Fan, they can't help but think of Qin Fan's eyes when he looked at them before he left, and the billions of dollars he cheated on them...

Seeing He Xiaoqing at this moment, this image resurfaced in their minds, scaring their calves a little cramp.

The three of them also looked at each other, but they didn't dare to speak. They were so frightened that the little heart beat faster, so they could only exchange opinions pitifully with their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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