Chapter 747 Rejection
Seeing He Xiaoqing's attitude, the faces of the sparring partners gradually showed a bit of joy, but before they were happy, an operation officer smiled all over his face and said flatteringly: "Do you think the sparring is uncomfortable? Or let us make the decision and change you to an official player status."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the sparring partners stared again...

What?Directly give official team members treatment?How can we live after this!If the expulsion is unsuccessful, will he be treated as a regular player?Then you fire us, okay? ! !

The smiles on the faces of the sparring partners hadn't completely let go, but they were so frightened that they couldn't laugh because of the words of their immediate superiors. For a while, the emotions of shock and panic began to ferment among the sparring players, and everyone was like a frightened bird. They have already begun to think of ways to retreat from Caesar.

Expelled can get official team status?That is an idiot's dream.

They probably didn't notice that the immediate boss they feared the most had already given the honorific title of 'you' when he was talking to He Xiaoqing.

In the Caesars Club, even their boss Wang Boliang does not have this qualification.

He Xiaoqing's main deterrent to the three operating officers at this time still comes from his demeanor and temperament, which is very similar to Qin Fan.

The sparring partners panicked. The Caesars Club is the number one boss in China, and the status of an official player of the Caesars Club, no matter how strong it is, is enough for him to be proud of the vast number of professional players in China.

That's the official team member of Caesars, it's what they, the sparring partners, dream of the most. The vast amount of remuneration can be put aside first. With this status, it's very face-saving to talk about it. It's too long-faced.

If the operation officer said this to them, they would be [-]% sure, without even thinking about it, they would immediately obey the operation officer, and they were afraid that the operation officer would go back on his word.

But He Xiaoqing is not them. He Xiaoqing has been an official member of Caesars since he joined Caesars.

At that time, Caesar meant a lot to him.

But now, he has figured it out, Qin Fan is gone, everyone is gone, without their Caesar, it is no longer Caesar.

This place is no longer his previous home.

As for the fame, glory, and vanity brought by Caesar's official team members, He Xiaoqing never cared. His sustenance to Caesar was only because Qin Fan created this place with his own memories, and this was his home.

It has been more than half a year, and he has missed all that should be nostalgic, all that should be confessed has been repented, and all that should be lost has been lost. There is no need for him to stay here anymore.

After more than half a year, when he had nowhere to go, he finally realized what he was trying to stay in Caesar.

It turned out that he stayed in Caesar just because he wanted to give himself peace of mind, but because he was reluctant to let go.

The oppression of the operation officer made him determined to let go, and it also made him understand that he can no longer stay here as a coward, and there are stars and seas outside, waiting for him to travel.

So, He Xiaoqing refused.

"No need, I don't want to stay in this place full of garbage." He Xiaoqing said calmly.

When he thought about everything clearly, all the distracting thoughts in his heart were dispelled. At this moment, there was no anger, no hatred, no nostalgia in his heart, and what was there was just indifference.

Finally, he learned to say no, learned to refuse, and no longer accepted and obeyed blindly.

(End of this chapter)

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