Chapter 756 Team Up
Zebra Internet Cafe is very lively today. Looking down from the second floor, it is full of heads of Hei Bulongdong, bustling with people.It can be said that there are many people, but the VIP room is more comfortable. There is a private room for each person, a computer, and complete equipment. Compared with the situation outside, the private room is simply heaven.

Unlike the people in the VIP room, the outside players can reserve their seats in advance. Every time Zebra holds a competition, it is very popular, so they can only sign up for the regular customers and some regular customers in the VIP room first, while ordinary players can only register at the beginning of the game. Five hours before the registration, and had to pass the preliminary screening in the morning before entering the noon competition.

The most exaggerated thing is that if the people in the VIP room sign up with ordinary players, they can also choose to jump in the queue, without pre-selection, and directly qualify for the competition. They can even choose to fight side by side with professional players...

"Mom, it's just a game, why is it so crazy? Do you know that I'm the top [-] master in the Asian server, even I dare to squeeze, believe it or not, I will beat you to shit in the game." The thin young man who was crowded from the Internet cafe to the door shouted angrily at the people in the Internet cafe.

"Little brother, if you don't want to participate, let someone else participate. What's your name?..." A young man with a vicissitudes of life, an ordinary appearance, and a head of middle-length hair that is already sticking to his head is fluent in Sichuan. Words, said in a low voice.

The skinny young man was in a fit of anger, and when he heard someone scolding him, he looked angrily at him, and wanted to teach this short-sighted guy a lesson.

However, when he saw the person standing in front of him, he swallowed silently and said weakly, "I'm sorry, sir, I was wrong."

The appearance of this vicissitudes of life boy is too strong, and he is also sloppy, just looking at it makes this thin young man with a slight obsession with cleanliness want to stay away from him.

However, this strong young man didn't seem to have the consciousness of being rejected by others, and he politely extended his hand to the thin young man: "Hello, let's get to know each other, my name is Liu Zhuangshi."

Haoyu was speechless, and thought to himself that it was really appropriate to get your name.

"My name is Haoyu." The thin and small young man swallowed dryly, quickly grabbed the hand of the strong young man, and then touched it immediately, as if he was afraid that his hands would be stained.

"Your Asian server ranks three hundredth?" Liu Zhuangshi said in standard Sichuan dialect.

"That's right." After Haoyu finished speaking, he suddenly found that Liu Zhuangshi had misled his normal hair, and couldn't help being speechless for a while. Sichuan dialect really has magic power.

Liu Zhuangshi didn't take it seriously, and continued: "That's not bad, you can help me."

"I'll help you? I'm the top [-] master in the Asian server." Haoyu flicked his bangs, blushing with anger.

"My Asian server is one." Liu Zhuang said honestly.

Haoyu was shocked at the time, he was paying attention to his ranking on the Asian server rankings every day, and he was especially impressed by the top [-]. Suddenly remembered, the name seemed to be 'liuzhuangshi', and Quanpin was indeed Liu Zhuangshi.

"Okay, you're awesome, I'll listen to you." Haoyu admitted helplessly. This guy is not only strong, but also has excellent skills. Facing such a master, he has no temper at all.

"Let's go, I'll take you to squeeze in." Liu Zhuangshi said, and he pulled the little skinny Haoyu all the way through the thorns and thorns, pushing away all the "obstacles" in front of him.

Everyone was crowded by Liu Zhuangshi, and there was a lot of scolding around. Liu Zhuangshi was still in a hurry and squeezed all the way to the front desk of the Internet cafe. For the first time, Haoyu discovered that being strong is actually good.

"I remember you were promoted to the Asian server? When did you become 51?" Haoyu asked doubtfully.

"I was squeezed out a few days ago. A player named 'daqindailian' squeezed me out. I don't know if he also used his real name." Liu Zhuang said in a low voice.

Haoyu was speechless, the name seemed to belong to the power leveling studio, how could it be his real name.

"What name is he now?" Haoyu asked.

"No, he is No. 40 now. He squeezed out all our players after forty at one time." Liu Zhuangshi said, and when he mentioned this player, his small eyes could not help but squint.

"So awesome? It can't be a fake, half of the top [-] are fake." Haoyu said with a look of disbelief.

Liu Zhuangshi shook his head, and said solemnly: "No, I have watched him fight, and I have been killed by him. At a distance of about 1000 meters, I use AKM to increase eight times, and I, a sniper with 98K, can kill me with four shots. Shot dead."

Haoyu was fascinated at the time, so it’s not cheating?Use a rifle, or AKM, 1000 meters away, and still shoot, and you will be killed with four shots, is this not a cheat?
(End of this chapter)

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