PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 759 Why don't you argue later

Chapter 759 Why don't you argue later
But how could her cleverness be able to hide this guest, Sun Ge just glanced at her and could see that she was unnatural, staring straight at her and said: "Don't tell me that my usual box was taken by someone else. used?"

The big beauty was very clever at the time, this sudden sentence scared her back, and the hairs on her snow-white back were standing on end, she explained again and again: "I don't blame this guest, the main reason is that I worked yesterday. Mistake, a relative came, so I was in a bad mood, I was negligent for a while, and accidentally used your usual box for someone else, if you want to blame, you can blame me."

The big beauty saw that her little cleverness was spotted by her grandson at a glance, and she immediately lost her soul, begging for sins and absolving He Xiaoqing.

If her pleading is applied to other men, it may be useful. Even a hard-hearted person like Qin Fan may be lenient and not bother with her. After all, it is just a box, and it is not a big deal, just change it. Well, there's no need to worry about that much.

However, what she was facing now was her grandson. Instead of reassuring him, her pleading for sins made her look more and more ugly.

Staring at the big beauty, he said, "Don't tell me that the person in this box is still a man?"

The big beauty nodded first when she heard the words, and then shook her head again and again. Seeing this, Brother Sun's face became even more gloomy, as if dripping water, and said in an extremely cold tone: "Xiaoqing, brother's heart for you is true. Are you pretending to be blind if you can’t see it?”

The big beauty became more flustered when she heard the words, she quickly grabbed Brother Sun's arm, and said anxiously: "Brother Sun, please don't..."

Brother Sun threw off her arm directly, and rushed towards the box where He Xiaoqing was in angrily. At this moment, he felt that his shiny black mid-length hair was glowing green.

Just as the beautiful woman was about to chase her out, she heard a box calling for her. When she saw the room number, it was that bad guy named Qin Fan again, and her mood became even worse. She didn't even answer Qin Fan's summons and intercepted her all the way. Brother Sun, don't let him go to the box where He Xiaoqing is.

Brother Sun pushed and shoved the big beauty all the way, and the big beauty stopped them all the way. The two of them struggled and moved slowly. When they approached He Xiaoqing's box, more than ten minutes passed.

Qin Fan next door was waiting for the big beauty in the private room. The day lily waiting for her was almost cold, and he didn't even wait for the big beauty. He was so busy studying the voice-changing software all morning that he forgot to eat breakfast.

I was hungry at the moment, and I was afraid that I would get lost when I went out, so I thought about asking the big beauty to buy it for me, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, I couldn't help but feel impatient.

My stomach is almost flattened by hunger, okay? I simply don’t regard me as a customer as God.

Immediately, he was about to open the door and go out, and went to find the beautiful woman in the crowd, but as soon as he opened the door, he saw the beautiful woman flirting with a man at the door.

The two also turned their heads to look at Qin Fan who appeared suddenly. The three of them stared wide-eyed for a long time. After staring for a long time, Qin Fan dryly smiled and said, "Would the husband and wife quarrel? Can you bring me breakfast first? Quarrel?"

These three consecutive questions directly confused the big beauty and Sun Ge.

The big beauty looked at Qin Fan with a dark face, and cursed in her heart, who are the husband and wife?I'm only eighteen this year, okay?Would you like to bring you breakfast first?Do you want to argue later?Can you say such shameless words?You are such a clever little ghost.

Brother Sun turned his face away impatiently and ignored Qin Fan, and walked directly towards the box next door. The two started a long tug-of-war again. Seeing that He Xiaoqing's box was getting closer and closer, everyone The beauty was also completely merciless, and used all kinds of tricks, pinching, kicking and kicking, completely forgetting that the person in front of her was a big man who could easily close their Internet cafes.

(End of this chapter)

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