PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 761 Guangmingding is my nephew

Chapter 761 Guangmingding is my nephew

The sound of dry swallowing and saliva resounded from the group of melon-eating people around, and at the same time, they cursed Qin Fan silently in their hearts, don't you know that we are still hungry?What kind of hot and spicy soup are you cooking...

It's really wicked to give soup and not fried dough sticks...

Brother Sun blew up on the spot when he heard the words. This kid is too arrogant, but as a big man with status and status, he still maintains his image and tries not to look too vulgar.

They are also rich sons, but they are not at all like Qin Fan, who has been self-exiled, has no pursuit, and is simply a rascal. After calming down for a long time, Sun Ge calmed down his emotions and pointed at Qin Fan. : "Okay, you have backbone, I remember you, dare to tell me which company's young master you are?"

Seeing that the man regained his sanity so quickly, and started to probe into his details, Qin Fan raised his brows slightly, realizing that this man was not simple, so he began to look at this man seriously.

After sizing him up, Qin Fan stood up solemnly, glanced at him disdainfully and said, "Hmph, I'm not afraid to scare you to death if I say it, Caesar's immediate manager, Park Zhengcai, my nephew."

The 'Guangmingding' far away in country H suddenly sneezed, rubbed his nose and continued to read the documents, but he didn't know that a huge black pot was covering his bald head...

When Brother Sun heard the name Pu Zhengcai, his expression became serious. He looked Qin Fan up and down for a long time, squinted his eyes and said, "Do you think I don't recognize Pu Zhengcai? Hmph, you still want to lie to me? Your methods are too despicable."

Qin Fan sneered in his heart, and wanted to test his reality. If you play this with me, then you can be regarded as meeting your ancestors.

Qin Fan still pretended to be disdainful, and said contemptuously: "Cut, childish."

Seeing Qin Fan's appearance, Brother Sun felt a little thumped in his heart. Did he see that he was deceiving him?Or is Park Jung-jae really his nephew?

Qin Fan's reaction really made Sun Ge not see the truth for a while. He stared at Qin Fan for a while, trying to see whether he was pretending or the truth. Before he could see it, he listened to Qin Fan. Fan suddenly said: "What are you looking at, I've never seen a man before, what a pervert."

Brother Sun: "..."

Xiaoqing: "..."

People who eat melons: "..."

Everyone looked at Qin Fan in bewilderment, and said quietly in their hearts: "Why do I think you are more like a pervert..."

After all, Brother Sun didn't see Qin Fan's reality, so he could only retreat and choose another box.

As a rich man, he knows best that when he advances, he advances and when he retreats, he retreats. When he found that Qin Fan couldn't tell the truth, he had already started to have vigilant thoughts in his heart.

As far as this brief contact is concerned, whether Qin Fan is a relative of Pu Zhengcai or not, this person is not something he can touch now, but it is impossible for him to swallow this breath, so he sent people to spread He Xiaoqing on the one hand. The very powerful world's number one sniper is now participating in the Zebra Internet Cafe, attracting countless professional players flocking for fame and fortune, and at the same time creating news and public opinion to sanction He Xiaoqing.

On the other hand, he directly sent someone to check the details of Pu Zhengcai's relatives, especially whether Pu Zhengcai had a younger uncle who was about the same age as him.

The final results were found out. 'Guangmingding' really has a 26-year-old uncle named Pu Wenke...

(End of this chapter)

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