Chapter 766

Sun Wanggui saw that He Xiaoqing and No. [-] 'sister' had already assigned positions, and continued: "Okay, then I will be the commander and the main assault. Xiaoqing, you are with me, and you will be the deputy assaulter."

Xiaoqing reluctantly agreed.

"Jump to the city in a while." Sun Wanggui said.

"Why? Haven't the resources of Sin City been changed? It's not very fat." Xiao Qing asked suspiciously.

"Because I like it." Sun Wanggui said.

Xiaoqing: "..."

Qin Fan: "..."

He Xiaoqing: "..."

You are really capricious, why don't I like the sea.

The positions have already been allocated, and they are the commanders who have the final say, so they can only follow the organization.

The plane was rumbling, and it was getting closer and closer to Picardo. Before Sun Wanggui gave an order, Qin Fan and He Xiaoqing parachuted and flew directly to Sin City one by one.

Sun Wanggui was impatient at the time, and shouted: "What are you doing? I haven't shouted to jump yet, why didn't I obey the command!"

"The day lily will be cold when you call skydiving." Qin Fan said contemptuously. He originally wanted to laugh at Sun Wanggui, but when his voice came out of the voice-changing software, he immediately became coquettish, as if he was acting coquettishly. Hearing that, he felt his own hair stand on end, and couldn't help shivering.

Sun Wanggui couldn't be angry with him when he heard the words, but felt his heart itch like being scratched by a cat, so he could only say: "Okay, then be careful."

Xiaoqing was speechless for a moment, these days, men really don't have anything to do with women when they flirt.

Sun Wanggui didn't have any temper with Qin Fan anymore, but he still had conflicts with He Xiaoqing. Seeing that he didn't even pay attention to him, he turned on the open microphone and said, "He Xiaoqing, the number one sniper in the world is on the same team as me. city."

"What? Really?" Even professional players showed interest.

"Okay, brothers, let's not go to the villa, and jump to P City instead."


As soon as Sun Wanggui's voice came out, more than half of the people on the plane were lost. A rough estimate, there must be at least 40 people.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?" Xiaoqing accused anxiously.

"Isn't he the number one sniper in the world? What does this guy mean to him?" Sun Wanggui said disdainfully, then changed his voice, and continued: "Xiaoqing, there should be no one in front, let's jump to the villa."

Xiaoqing's face turned completely cold: "Is this how you become the captain? Abandon your teammates?"

Sun Wanggui didn't think there was anything wrong, he felt that he was just weighing the pros and cons, and argued rationally: "I'm taking the overall situation into consideration. There are so many people jumping into Sin City, even if the two of us jump, we won't be able to help him much." , might as well develop elsewhere.”

Xiaoqing sneered: "Hehe, when you wanted to dance in the City of Sin, you said you liked it, and you jumped if you wanted to, but now you say you should take the overall situation into consideration, don't you think it's ridiculous? Go on your own, I will dance in the City of Sin city."

After saying that, Xiaoqing resolutely flew to the boxing gym in Sin City, following the rainy crowd.

Sun Wanggui's face changed, he hesitated for a long time, but he still didn't choose to parachute, and continued to fly forward with the plane.

"Xiaoqing, you don't need to come here. I'll just jump with No. [-]. No matter how many little trash of this level come, they will give me their heads." Qin Fan said nonchalantly.

When Xiaoqing heard this delicate voice calling her name, she felt sick for a while, and then thinking about Qin Fan's nostrils turned up when she said this sentence, looking like I was the best in the world, she felt more and more disgusted with Qin Fan.

"Bitch, you trash, shut up." Xiaoqing was already in a bad mood, and when she heard Qin Fan's words, she immediately started cursing.

(End of this chapter)

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