Chapter 778 Devil
Qin Fan's reaction could not be described as unpleasant. He lay down on the ground in time at the moment the grenade detonated. Although he avoided the high-injury area of ​​the grenade, he was still affected.

With this blood volume, even if he was hit by a pistol at the third level, he would have to be knocked down on the spot.

The people in the corner were shocked when they saw this, and quickly attacked Qin Fan with their heads. However, Qin Fan's advance gun was already waiting for him to show up in the corner, and he poked his head out at this time, as if he was using his head to catch Qin Fan's bullets. .

In front of UZI's super high explosion, his bare head couldn't bear him to press the fire button.

So, he was knocked down without even firing the gun.


Although He Xiaoqing was amazed at the perverted reaction ability of this No. [-] girl, he subconsciously ordered his body to take another shot subconsciously because of his tense nerves.

The long and narrow [-] bullets pierced through the air.

There was a muffled 'boom'.

Headshot, kill.

"The rifle fire is suppressed, and I will replenish blood." Qin Fan said, and immediately started taking drugs.

His blood volume was too weak, if the opponent had fired an early shot before leaning forward just now, he would have been knocked down by now.

Fortunately, that person didn't do that, but Qin Fan didn't want to experience the same thrill again.

He Xiaoqing quickly switched his rifle when he heard the words, and started shooting irregularly and intermittently at the broken wall on the second floor.

The people in the corner of the building knew that Qin Fan could be knocked down with a single shot, but because they couldn't grasp He Xiaoqing's three-shot pattern, they didn't dare to move for a while, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

But there was only one person standing in a stalemate with He Xiaoqing at the wall-breaking position, and the other person helped the teammate who was knocked down.

The drug-taking sound of '嗤嗤嗤' lasted for seven seconds, and He Xiaoqing's irregular intermittent three-shot burst also lasted for seven seconds, and the person who was knocked down on the second floor of the casino was about to be lifted up.

"Continue to suppress." Qin Fan said, switched the grenade, pulled the string, and threw it directly to the second floor hole without stopping for a second.

The thunder bounced off the wall behind him, and landed on his corner impartially, and the people at the entrance of the second floor were all terrified when they saw it.

He knew that the thunder was trying to force him to leave the bunker, but he had no choice but to gamble to see if Qin Fan's gun was faster or he ran faster.

Facts have proved that Qin Fan's gun is faster than he imagined. As soon as he took the first step, his head was only half exposed from the back of the cover, and the [-]mm bullets rushed in "boom boom boom" under the urgent urging of UZI. his skull.

The man was shocked and desperate. The gun... was too fast, and it didn't give him the slightest hope of escape.

There were only two people left in the room at this time, hiding behind a bunker near the pool table on the second floor, which was Qin Fan's blind spot.

The medical soldiers of this team also felt helpless for a while. Just as they helped one person up, another one fell down, and they quickly sealed the cigarette.

The three smoke bombs rolled away, and the smoke 'chi chi' dispersed, filling most of the casino in an instant, not to mention people, even the buildings, ornaments and furniture in the casino were invisible.

The medical soldiers took the opportunity to try to pass through the smoke. As soon as they left the bunker, there was another nightmare UZI gunshot at the gate of the casino.

The medical soldier was startled, and then he sneered and shook his head, sighing to himself how timid I was, how could he see me with such heavy smoke.

However... as soon as this idea emerged from his mind, he was already knocked down...

Desperate... like a servant.


A ground mine pierced through the smoke, killing their last teammate behind cover.

The whole team—destroyed.

The four of them watched their respective death replays in shock, unable to say a word.

They felt that their respective cooperation obviously made no mistakes, and they obviously played very carefully, so how could they be wiped out.

Yes, at their level, their cooperation is already remarkable, each position has fulfilled its respective responsibilities, and the cooperation is also in place.

But it was not without mistakes, otherwise Qin Fan would not have caught the opportunity to destroy the team.

And the biggest mistake they made was to give Qin Fan a chance to breathe.

Qin Fan is like a pervasive devil, if he dares to give him the slightest chance, he will immediately seize the opportunity and devour and chew the enemy bit by bit.

(End of this chapter)

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