Chapter 785
With the help of Qin Fan, He Xiaoqing's state has recovered. With the help of Qin Fan, the next journey can be said to be like a broken bamboo. He Xiaoqing is also fighting more and more courageously, and his state is getting better and better. He even faintly surpassed the original peak state. relieved.

The current He Xiaoqing is complete.

At the end of the competition, the two successfully won the championship, and Xiaoqing followed her all the way to make soy sauce, and even survived to the end.

The entire Internet cafe was dead silent, and everyone stared blankly at the No.1 result announced on the big screen.

'linjiawangzhe, 32 kills, 320 assists, 420 supports, total damage in a single round is [-] [-], healing volume is [-]...'

'HXQ, 28 kills, 25 assists, [-] support, [-] total damage in a single round, [-] healing...'

'xiaoqing, zero kills, zero assists, zero support, zero total damage in a single round, 310 healing volume...'

'sunwanggui, zero kills, zero assists, zero support, zero total damage in a single round, zero healing...'

No.1 is Qin Fan, the support of the MVP of the game.

He is said to be an observer, but in fact he has served as the assault position, vanguard position, supply soldier, observer, medical soldier, and deputy sniper. Except for the main sniper position, he has covered all other positions.

After He Xiaoqing's condition improved, he gradually showed his true strength as a top sniper.

A sniper is originally a long-range, precise and high-injury fire support position. A good sniper has a higher proportion of intimidation to the enemy than lethality.

So although He Xiaoqing's number of kills was not as good as Qin Fan's, everyone didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, he was a sniper, not a rifleman or an assaulter.

If the number of kills of the sniper is more than that of the riflemen and assaulters, then either the sniper is more aggressive and violent, like the black eagle, or the riflemen and assaulters of this team are too useless...

What really shocked everyone was Xiaoqing and Sunwanggui in this team.

This lying chicken is too thorough...

It's also that these two thighs are too thick, even this kind of teammates can move.

At this moment, the entire Internet cafe was full of discussions.

"With such a tacit understanding with He Xiaoqing, apart from 'Cheetah' and 'Sky Eye', there should be no third one in the world."

"Have you forgotten King? He is the one who cooperates best with He Xiaoqing, neither Liu Dafo nor Yu Lanlan can."

"Brother, you are stunned, how could King come to participate in this kind of small competition, laugh to death."


On the one hand, this game changed He Xiaoqing's image in the hearts of the professional players and his fans. The world's number one sniper was still there.

Besides that, everyone was also thinking about who the team's MVP, He Xiaoqing's support, was.

The divine being guessed by everyone is being pestered and chatted by He Xiaoqing at this moment.

He Xiaoqing: "Beauty, you are very strong."

Qin Fan: "You're not bad, either."

He Xiaoqing: "Hehe, besides King, you are the second person who dares to call me trash."

Qin Fan smiled: "Then I am very honored."

He Xiaoqing: "Leave a contact information? Have dinner together at night?"

Qin Fan was terrified, and immediately turned off the phone and left.

Just kidding?Uncle Ben is a man, right?

He Xiaoqing looked at girl No. [-] who was already offline, feeling empty in his heart, stretched beautifully, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "However, I still have to thank you, I will remember you forever."

(End of this chapter)

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