PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 787 Are You Trying To Fuck Me?

Chapter 787 Are You Trying To Fuck Me?
When they saw the news of King's suspension and King's comeback, the emotions in each of them were so complicated that it was hard to express.

Because they knew very well that the real King did not come back, he did not get the brilliance he deserved, and the generous reward he got for his dedication was just a flash in the pan half a year ago, that's all...

They feel worthless for Qin Fan.

But Qin Fan didn't think much about it, he didn't care about his fame and wealth in the e-sports circle, his future was not here.

What makes him feel worthy of nostalgia are the memories of when he worked hard with his brothers when he was at the bottom of his position.

The name King, for him, is more about commitment and responsibility.

Now King's name is gone, and he is no longer the leader in the e-sports circle, but the responsibilities on his shoulders are even heavier.


Qin Fan skipped most of the day's class, and quickly slipped into the classroom after returning to school.

There are too many courses for him to learn, some courses have already surpassed the normal progress taught by the teacher, and he has even learned some courses in the sophomore stage, but there are still one or two courses that are still following the teacher's progress Walk.

The schedule arranged by Fourth Master Qin was different, and he didn't bother to worry about it, so he learned according to the schedule arranged by Fourth Master Qin.

After a few classes, it went straight into the evening. He didn't even attend the self-study class, so he directly chose to skip class and went back to the dormitory for self-study.

Zhang Dewei, Zhuge Qingyun, and Wang Youcai also didn't like to study in the classroom. The classroom was so messy that they couldn't study well. They might as well be in the dormitory. If they didn't know anything, they could ask Qin Fan for advice.

Anyway, Qin Fan is learning the three of them, and the progress is faster than the three of them, and the teaching is clearer and more thorough than their teacher...

As soon as Qin Fan came back, the three surrounded him.

"Boss, are you coming back?"

"Speaking of which, is the King in the World League real or fake?"

"Boss, aren't you in Xingchen now? Why do you still have a contract with Caesar?"


The three of them asked one question after another, and Qin Fan couldn't get in his mouth to answer them. It was not until the three of them finished asking that Qin Fan explained them one by one.

After finishing the work, the three of them told him the big news. His beautiful homeroom teacher came to him. One came to warn him because of his serious absenteeism and leave, and the other was sent by his courier. Sent it to the classroom, let him go and pick it up by himself...

Qin Fan was dumbfounded after hearing this. You didn't talk about such a serious matter first when I came back, and you still asked so many nonsense questions?Are you trying to fuck me?

After listening to the three people's reminders, Qin Fan hurriedly asked Zhuge Qingyun to take him to the classroom. He hadn't been to the classroom once since the class started, and now he doesn't even remember which way the classroom door opens.

On the one hand, he has too many classes, and he often makes up lessons in the dormitory or other teachers during self-study classes, so he has no time to come. On the other hand, he thinks that the classroom is not in class, so why come? Anyway, he will talk about it in the group if he has something to do , simply did not come directly.

Now it's time to get into trouble. Although Dongfang Yingying is young, she is also a more serious teacher...

Coupled with his courier, he can imagine how serious Dongfang Yingying's anger is now.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at the door of the classroom, he saw Dongfang Yingying standing at the door. Qin Fan hurriedly went to Big Sister Dongfang to admit his mistake and apologize with a penitent smile on his face.

With creatures like women, one must not be reasonable, no matter what the reason is, just admit your mistake quickly, Qin Fan has a deep understanding of this from his mother and grandma.

Zhuge Qingyun kept holding back his laughter in the back, the majestic King, who called the wind and rain in the e-sports circle, frightened the existence of the H country consortium team without saying a word, and there will be today...

(End of this chapter)

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