PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 794 The Skeletons Under the Pyramid

Chapter 794 The Skeletons Under the Pyramid
They can't let go of their responsibilities as a man to support their families for their own dreams.

They are growing up a little bit, and they are getting closer to the day of taking responsibility. The long-term investment has not been rewarded, and the people around them have begun to show various behaviors such as disapproval and incomprehension, and so on.

So, they finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Their dreams are on the verge of being crushed by the burdens on them, the criticism of others, and the pressure of their down-and-out situation.

Therefore, they began to want to find foreign aid.

But at this time, a player whose ID is 'Daqin Dailian' instantly killed their captain with super strength, entered their field of vision, and gave them hope.


That's about the story.

The world of professional e-sports is an industry with a serious pyramid situation. People can often see only a small group of top gods at the top with unlimited fame and fortune.

But at the bottom of this pyramid, there are countless people like Liu Zhuangshi who are silent and nameless. In order to reach the top of the pyramid and chase their dreams, they smeared all the way, struggled, and tried their best to climb up.

Caesar used to be a member of these bottom-end teams. What Qin Fan can take care of is the small number of places like Caesar. Will fall into those dazed and difficult.

The difference is that Caesar did it because Caesar had Qin Fan.

But there is only one Qin Fan, and there are tens of thousands of small teams in China who are already in confusion and hardship. They are not as capable as Qin Fan, who can overcome obstacles and lead them to smear the leader on the top of the world. Maybe they don't have the super talent of He Xiaoqing, Su Haoming and others.

What they rely on is just a gleam of light in their hearts, that sliver of unattainable dreams.

Liu Zhuangshi is one of these people.

However, he is more extreme, crazier, and more secondary.

He traveled thousands of miles from the land of Sichuan and Shu to the magic capital, just to find someone from the vast crowd.

Of course, it is impossible for Qin Fan to go back with him. He is King, he has invincible technology, and he also has the ability to teach his skills to others. He can make many teams have the same combat power as the Greedy Wolf team, but he also has He has responsibilities, he also has his burdens, and he shoulders a new era of e-sports.

Before this era came, it was useless for him to teach others technology. They just went from being confused under the pyramid to being confused on the pyramid. They just changed from a free body to a tool for making money.

When they have no use value, they will be abandoned by others and return to the past hardships.

It doesn't make sense, it's harming people.

A new era of e-sports, for these people, is the real future.

Qin Fan didn't reject him, nor did he agree. Instead, he had a few solo rounds with Liu Zhuangshi first, and took a look at the player's level of strength and development potential.

After five innings, Qin Fan became interested in talents on the spot.

This buddy played as a sniper in their team, but Qin Fan discovered that this guy's consciousness was obviously higher than that of a sniper, and he was simply a proper observer or pioneer embryo.

Before Liu Dazhuang could convince Qin Fan, Qin Fan had already started to think about how to keep this buddy in his Daqin power leveling studio as a backup talent for being "swindled and abducted".

(End of this chapter)

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