Chapter 806 Death Charge
"You have a third-level head, a second-level armor, and an S686 and an M762. You are invincible in melee combat. How can you be cool?" '

'I just watched the live broadcast of these two anchors, and his two teammates are out of bullets, don't worry. '


Seeing these two bullet screens, Gu Cun felt a little bit of peace in his heart. For some reason, he always had a bad premonition in his mind at this time, as if ten meters ahead, there was a ferocious lion hiding in the dark stairs. It seems that he may be divided and eaten at any time.

This feeling made him palpitate.

Immediately he shook his head again, threw out the absurd illusions in his mind, laughed and scolded in his heart, how could his mental quality be so poor even if he was a professional player, and he was frightened by a passer-by player? made fun of me.

"Let's dodge and shake him for a while, trick him into leaning out, and then knock him down with a single shot, and hit him steadily." Gu Cun said, and the live broadcast room was filled with contempt.

'Hey~ Gucun and Wei's theology is broken. '

"Isn't this the routine used by that old Yinbi Wei Shen..."


Gu Cun smirked, he was really guilty.

While speaking, Gu Cun quickly clicked the 'Q' key and released it. The moment his upper body stretched out, he began to turn around. Just as he was halfway back, a light yellow flame suddenly lit up at the stairs, followed by A rapid single-point sound sounded, and the isolated blood volume suddenly dropped by half...

Gu Cun was so frightened that he jumped up from his chair, the two-meter-long headphone cable was pulled straight, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was like a waterfall, and there was a sudden silence.

All the water friends stared blankly at the solitary HP and the intact third-level head...

" fast?" Gu Cun looked at his blood volume in disbelief, 41 points, not much, not a little, it was the naked wound of M16A4.

He has a third-level head and a second-level armor. He leaned out and only hit the neck to get the naked wound effect. However, this enemy only shot one shot, and the shot hit the neck the moment he leaned back...

This shot was too fast and too accurate.

Just as Gu Cun recovered, before he could take the drug, he heard the sound of sprinting footsteps in front of him, and he was shocked. This man even kicked his nose and face, and rushed over!Are you so gutsy?

Zhang Xue's live broadcast room was also full of excitement, and water friends sent bullet screens to ask questions.

"Did the little brother hit it?"

"I, Cao, I didn't see it clearly because it was too fast."

"I guess my little brother didn't see it clearly..."

"There's no bullets, brother, hurry up and withdraw, survival is the most important thing."


Before the water friends discussed the reason, they saw from Zhang Xue's perspective that their little brother had retracted his gun, picked up the pan and rushed out...

Everyone was stunned. How dare you be so reckless even though you know that the opposite party is Gucun?Little brother is still little brother, a man of high art is bold...

The corridor was empty, and there were no bunkers on the road. In this environment, charging against an enemy with a cover was simply courting death. Once the enemy launched a counterattack, there was no place to hide. This was simply the most basic attempt.

What's more, the opponent is still a popular and powerful fighter in the country, alone.

But Qin Fan rushed out anyway, he had no way out, and instead of going around and fighting against the heavily armed sniper team who was still watching the screen, it would be better to take the opportunity to fight to the death and rush out to gamble.

If he wins, both he and Zhang Xue are fat. As for losing...Qin Fan never considered this issue when he launched a charge.

He only has a [-]% chance of winning, so he only considers the [-]% chance and maximizes the [-]% chance.

People who still think about losing on the way of attack can't win. Qin Fan is not such a person.

(End of this chapter)

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