Chapter 816 The Tricky List

Then I saw the leader of the group, Aite, contacting Qin Fan, and sent him a red envelope, which said a reward for a solo kill.

Everyone panicked, as if they had discovered something extraordinary, and as expected, the group leader sent a message: "He just killed all alone, and at the same time he singled out seven of you who are all sniper formations. Compared with your skills, you guys are really too good at it.”

Upon seeing this news, the group immediately fell silent, and everyone was so angry that they couldn't accept this fact.

They were still discussing this great god before, saying that he was awesome, but they didn't expect this great god to be in the group, and even taunted them severely.

After discovering the identity of this Great God at this time, the news that Qin Fan sent before resurfaced in their minds, and they were angry, but they were powerless to refute.

"I've said it all, you really don't have any malicious intentions when you say your trash, but you really are trash..." Just when everyone was feeling like a dumb person eating coptis, unable to express their suffering, Qin Fan quietly sent this sentence again, Everyone felt as if they had eaten a dead fly, and they wanted to curse back but had nothing to say.

They always thought that the "Great Killer" was disgusting enough, but today they met a player who was more disgusting than the "Great Killer", whose mouth was worse than the "Great Killer", and whose skills were more poisonous than his mouth. Disgusting They have no temper at all...

The group finally became quiet again, and no one spoke, for fear that Qin Fan would be provoked if he spoke.

The administrators were happy and quiet, and continued their work, sending the updates of each anchor and the latest list of anchors in the group.

Suddenly, Qin Fan noticed one of the lists, on which was written the first sister of Douyu——Zhang Xue, and her sniper level was B, which was the same level as Wei Shen.

This newly emerged female anchor immediately attracted the attention of the group of friends, and they all opened the file to read it.

"A B-level female anchor? This is rare."

"Is there a female anchor who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Wei Shen's skills? It can't be that the group owner sent money out of kindness."

"This list is a bit tempting. I like high-end anchors who play this kind of technical garbage the most. It's like picking up money."


The female anchors in the game area give everyone the feeling that they rely on their looks to impress the public. There are very few technical anchors. When they see that it is a female anchor, everyone has such a preconceived idea.

Seeing this, the group owner posted a message in the group: "This is a second-hand list."

The group of friends was suddenly dumbfounded, what is a second-hand list is a list that other studios cannot do, and then transferred it to their studio.

Second-hand lists often have the following characteristics: First, the bounty is too low, and those that high-end studios don't want are rewarded to low-end studios.Second: The anchor is too strong, and his own studio can't take it down, so he can only reluctantly part with it and give it to another studio.Third: The employer picks things up, is not satisfied with the service, and asks to change the studio.

No matter what the current situation of this list is, it means that this is a rather tricky job, and it is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

"This anchor is not weaker than Wei Shen, so it is very difficult to take her down. Don't underestimate her. Especially this employer is very picky. The last studio failed to take down this anchor because of the first sniping. Just terminate the contract with them," said the group leader.

After everyone watched it, their hearts began to beat. This anchor was much more difficult than they imagined. The technical problems were not too big, and the number of people could make up for all technical deficiencies.

But the employer's problem is very troublesome. Seeing this, the group of friends began to be a little reluctant to accept this list.

However, they didn't know that at this moment, a high-end IT company in Shanghai had already started to inquire about their IP addresses, especially the addresses of the five administrators and group owners, under the instruction of Qin Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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