Chapter 824 Crisis
When a group of parachutes spread out, a pink parachute stood out, and without changing its direction, it went straight to the position above Qin Fan's head without dodging or evading.

"I'll go. Is there really someone who is not afraid of death and dares to fly to the central training ground?" Someone said in amazement.

"The pink parachute looks like a girl."

"What? Sister, let's go, let's protect her, girl, let's form a team, I'm a 98K thief..., Wocao, who the hell knocked me down with one shot, daqindailian? Fuck you, I'm doing it I'll kill you." Before the man finished speaking, he was directly shot down by Qin Fan.

Before his teammate landed, he was killed by a headshot from Qin Fan, and the two of them were killed directly.

"Madan, do you dare to miss my woman?court death. 'Qin Fan felt like a mother-in-law, he hadn't seen such a beating person for a long time.

"That pink parachute is Zhang Xue, kill her before she lands."

"Hurry up, kill her and our mission will be completed."

The four super masters of the sniper studio yelled anxiously and excitedly, reminding their colleagues that they all wished to charge a 'resurrection coin', revive once, and kill Zhang Xue.

This is definitely an excellent opportunity, and it is also their only chance. After seeing Qin Fanlu's little hand, the four of them have completely despaired. They no longer expect these colleagues to complete the task in their hearts. , just don't embarrass the studio.

But now Zhang Xue suddenly opened his umbrella and flew over, rekindling their hope.

The sixteen sniper studio players hiding in the central training ground got excited and ran to the position with a good view, trying to shoot down Zhang Xue who was floating in the air.

Seeing this, Qin Fan sneered and said, "How dare you steal honey without driving the bees away? Have you always been this brave?"

"Hahaha, I'm afraid you, the bee, won't be able to keep your honey this time." The 'Big Killer' laughed excitedly and arrogantly, and the sudden turning point rekindled raging hope in his heart.

Qin Fan ignored him, Zhang Xue jumped over suddenly, as if stabbing a hornet's nest, all the enemies in all directions jumped out, he could handle it alone, but Zhang Xue was in the air, there was no cover, and he couldn't dodge, so it was very difficult for him .

I can only compete with them for speed, and now I just want to see who is faster.

Let's see if they knocked down Zhang Xue first, or Qin Fan killed them all first.

If they want to knock down Zhang Xue, it may take only one bullet, or at most three bullets. If three bullets are fired, even the AKM with an extremely slow rate of fire will not even take [-] seconds.

But if he wanted to knock down these sixteen people, he couldn't solve it with ten or twenty bullets.

Qin Fan's expression was extremely calm, with a pair of pitch-black eyes fixed on the sight of his gun, and his ears straightened, afraid to miss the slightest detail of the sound.

At this moment, his nerves have been tense to the extreme, and he has forgotten how long he has not felt this way.

Probably after the battle between England and Hang Ye.

Even though the situation was critical, Qin Fan's mood was still tense and not chaotic.

People are very clear that panic will not help them, but when a crisis situation comes, people still can't help feeling panic, but Qin Fan will not.

As a top professional player, as a top talent cultivated by the Qin family for more than ten years, he has already overcome more than 80.00% of the weaknesses of human nature. His strength does not only come from his physical fitness and rigid operation.

When the enemy was excited and nervous, his thoughts remained calm.

'Boom' Qin Fan's ears clearly caught a gunshot from the M416 at the window on the north side.

The gunshot was only halfway through, and the other half of the gunshot was still pending. Qin Fan's hand on the keyboard reacted immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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