Chapter 833 Time is running out
After the hard time at the beginning, the subsequent battles will be much easier. However, the rainforest map has a lot of villains. Compared with the desert map and the island map, the battle is still much more intense.

Although the rainforest has a lot of grass and trees, and there are especially many old yin ratios, with Qin Fan as the observer, Zhang Xue, a fake sniper, will basically not encounter too much danger.

It was a very busy time, and Qin Fan hadn't had time to study many of the outdoor landmarks in the rainforest map, so playing the rainforest map was not as easy as playing the islands and deserts.

There was joy in the live broadcast room, but Qin Fan felt a little emotional. The research on the landmarks of the rainforest map has to be stepped up. After a while, the snow map will come out again, and then the landmarks of the snow map will have to be studied.

I carefully counted my recent tasks, first, compiling relevant textbooks for coach training and professional player training, and second, studying the landmarks on the rainforest map.Third, the details, functions, and data research of the new guns M762 assault rifle, SLR shooter rifle, QBZ assault rifle, and MK47 semi-automatic rifle.Fourth, own ultra-long-range sniper training from kilometers away.

Each of these four things must be done.Textbooks are related to the training and talent accumulation of Daqin Esports in the future. Qin Fan expects at least three books, and these three books must be compiled and corrected within half a year before Daqin Esports starts.

The research on the landmarks of the map is even more urgent. Greedy Wolf will participate in the competition in three months, and it is inevitable that the rainforest map will be drawn. Qin Fan has to solve the landmark problem of the Yulin map within a month at the latest, and come up with a set. Unified Landmark Commander data comes.

The reason why it is within a month is because his landmarks have a huge amount of information. It will take at least a month to memorize all these things with the brains of the greedy wolves. By then, the snow map may be out. ...

Needless to say the importance of firearms data research, a revolutionary gun type may directly affect his tactical play system, this must be studied, and the sooner the better, compress the time within half a month, That is to say, two weekends plus some odd hours.

The specific parameters of the blue hole firearms are often slightly different from the official parameters. What Qin Fan has to do is to experience the data of the firearms and come up with a set of the most accurate firearms parameters.

In the confrontation with guns, such a small data gap may be the difference between the success of the residual blood counter-kill and the failure of the counter-kill.

Many professional players have their own best guns. Some people like the violent AKM, and some people like the semi-automatic M16A4, which looks weak but is incomparably powerful. The parameter data of a gun is thoroughly understood.

It is also M16A4, the difference between understanding and not understanding can be distinguished in one meeting.

But Qin Fan's requirements are different. What he requires is that the assaulter must adapt to any kind of assault rifle. The same is true for the position. A sniper must master every kind of sniper rifle, whether it is bolt-on or continuous-fire, he must have a deep grasp.

As for the freeman character he played himself, he had to be an all-around weapon, no matter what kind of gun it was, it had to be brought into full play in the hands of a freeman.

The game is not a game, you are best at M16A4, can you not play your best strength without M16A4?Of course not, professional players have no room for hypocrisy.

As a professional player, since you choose to eat in this industry, you have to serve the bowl seriously. You can't do it, and some people can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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