Chapter 835
"Either come with me, or try to fight against the entire e-sports circle, and then get arrested, choose one yourself." Qin Fan finished, and sent another message: "Stand at the window and look at the roadside, is there a car below? A van with double flashing lights?"

When the group leader saw the first message, he was already beating his heart, and wanted to bow his head. After seeing Qin Fan's next message, he leaned on the window and looked. As Qin Fan said, there was a van underneath...

"So what?" said the group leader.

"There are seven local police officers in this car, are you going to say hello to them?" Qin Fan said.


The group leader broke out in a cold sweat at that time, and quickly retreated from the window, for fear that the people downstairs would see his face.

"I allow you to organize your words again and answer my previous question." Qin Fan pressed on every step, not giving him the slightest chance to get out of control.

The group leader was completely at a loss. He already understood that this was not a person he could offend. He could even mobilize public security officers. How could he have any temper when facing this kind of person.

"Okay, if you are cruel, I can obey you, but the people under me... may not be able to obey you. They are young and energetic, but they are not like me. Even if they are squatting, they may not be willing to follow you. After all, the conflict between you , You know it yourself." The group leader replied, Qin Fan took one step after another, forcing him to be out of breath.

"You don't have to worry about this. Before next Saturday, I will bring everyone in your studio to report in Shanghai. I will make my own decision." Qin Fan said.

"It's possible...but this...suddenly such a big change in the studio, their travel expenses..." The group leader hesitated to send the message, and Qin Fan looked speechless.

Why is this person even more stingy than me? I can't bear the travel expenses...

"Three-day trip to the devil's capital, round-trip fare, board and lodging, I'll pay for it." Qin Fan said, he never cared about money when it was time to be generous.

"Okay, let's book a ticket to Shanghai at [-]:[-] noon next Saturday." Seeing that Qin Fan had included the round-trip fare, the group leader immediately became generous. One mouthful is the ticket, what kind of train? I don't even think about it.

Qin Fan: "..."

"Okay, anyway, the budget is limited, and the travel expenses account for too much, so the food and lodging will be deducted from it." Qin Fan replied angrily, thinking that his money was blown by the strong wind, and why don't you just use the plane? Do you want to come by satellite?

The group owner smiled awkwardly, and replied: "I checked the time on the high-speed train, and the time is not much different. The high-speed train is fine, and there is no need for a ticket."

Qin Fan rolled his eyes and ignored him, and directly sent their itinerary to Li Changxiao. Li Changxiao should be very free next week. There are still some days left for Wolf's press conference, and next week, Li Changxiao will help pick up people.

Qin Fan's weekend is not considered a rest day, it's just a change of place to continue his work. For two consecutive weekends, apart from having fun with Zhang Xue, playing games, and improving his ranking, he was studying the data of new guns in the training ground.

It took him more than ten hours to test the new gun M762 assault rifle, and he felt more and more powerful about this gun, especially the burst mode of this gun, which is simply a bug-like gun.

If you can suppress its bursts in the middle distance, you will be basically invincible, with six times and three bursts, it will crush all sniper rifles.

Of course, if you encounter sniping bolts, such as 98K, AWM, M24, etc., you are still much inferior to guns. After all, the speed of instant sniping is much faster than the speed of three bursts.

Although the rate of fire of the M762 is extremely fast, if it is operated at an instant speed, at least two of the three bullets will hit the bunker.

In marksmanship, speed is the only thing that can't be broken. When the aim is almost the same, whoever is faster will stand, and whoever is slower will lie down.

(End of this chapter)

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