PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 868 New Kaiser Group of 5

Chapter 868 New Caesar Five
In order to let them have a clear idea when watching the battle, Qin Fan talked non-stop for more than three hours, analyzing the strength and tactics of the twenty teams one by one, as well as staffing, etc.

For a whole week, Qin Fan's voice has begun to become hoarse, and the volume of his speech can no longer be raised due to non-stop lectures.

At 40 o'clock in the afternoon, the Qin family allocated a private small passenger plane specially for 42 of them, and sent [-] of them to the imperial capital.

The footholds of these 28 families in the imperial capital do not need them to worry about. The elders have already considered these miscellaneous things for them. They directly arranged all of them in a group of villas. They also wanted to take the opportunity to let them get in touch with each other. , get to know each other.

This group of villas was originally arranged by the major families to gather and discuss matters in the imperial capital, but now it is idle anyway, so it was vacated for them.

There are a total of 68 villas in the villa group. The environment is not elegant, but it is very quiet, and the greening is also very good.

The 68 villas are divided into guests and masters, occupying the largest area. The two closest villas are No. [-] and No. [-] villas. There is also a dedicated helicopter pad, the decoration is not luxurious, but the various configurations are very complete.

After Zhang Dewei followed Qin Fan to the villa group, he found a very embarrassing situation. There is no villa belonging to their Zhang family here...

Fortunately, the Qin family's villa is big enough and has enough rooms. It can accommodate 42 people even if it is slightly squeezed.


In the villa group, in the leisure area at the front door of Villa No. [-], five youths wearing Caesars team uniforms are leisurely drinking Huajia's special tea, enjoying the top-level service and treatment here.

"It's comfortable, these people seem to have more money than our consortium." The short-haired young man in the first place stretched lazily and said.

Another young man sneered and said, "It's a pity that Li Zhixian's cowards don't have the chance to enjoy this blessing."

The young man in the first place shook his head disdainfully and said, "A group of mud that can't support the wall was actually scared by scared by that person that they couldn't compete normally. They deserved to be hidden by the consortium."

"My brother has the foresight to enjoy this level of service with just one-handed cosplay." One person praised the young man in the first place.

"Hahaha." The young man in the first seat raised his head and laughed loudly after hearing the words: "I'm not bragging, I've imitated that person to the point where it's fake, even if he comes here, I won't be afraid of him anymore. "

"That's right, he's sold all his reputation right now, you are the well-deserved king of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds." One person flattered his lips, but a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

The four of them are the strongest team in Country H at the moment, but the result is that they are even lower than this guy who is average in competition and only knows how to cosplay 'King'. Naturally, he is not convinced.

But there is nothing you can do if you are not convinced. This is the arrangement of the consortium. This master is a strategic weapon, which is different from them.

"The villa next door with the word Qin on it seems unoccupied, King, why don't you tell that rich second-generation girl to let us live there, it's too unsafe to live with them , If you are not careful, you will have to pass through." One person whispered to the young man on the first place.

(End of this chapter)

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