Chapter 870
Hua Junpei looked at Park Bin with a strange look, nodded, and said to herself, "King", what's the matter, has he met Qin Mingyang?

Suddenly, Hua Junpei remembered that during the trip to England, Qin Fan and 'King' met once, but she didn't know what happened between them.

"Let's go, let me introduce you, I think he won't refuse." Hua Junpei said.

Pu Bin's expression was a bit ugly. The four members of the new Caesars team had never seen Qin Fan's true face, so they agreed and dragged Park Bin to pass. Mental suggestion, tell yourself that you are the real King, and Qin Fan is now a counterfeit.

However, his psychological hints were of no use. When he saw Qin Fan, all the psychological hints he had built for himself fell apart, and he was still terrified.

"I've met the eldest lady." The children of the Qin family all bent over to salute, and the children of the Zhang family on the opposite side followed suit and followed suit.

They didn't know Hua Junpei, they just saw that these powerful people bowed, and it seemed unreasonable for them not to bow.

Qin Fan and Zhang Dewei heard the sound, looked back, and saw five men and a woman standing at the gate of the villa, the woman was Hua Junpei, but the five men were unfamiliar faces, they had never seen each other before.

'The New Caesars team has changed again? Qin Fan looked at the five of them a few times, especially the Caesars uniforms on them, which looked particularly eye-catching in front of Qin Fan.

"Let me introduce to you, this one is the well-known all-rounder in the e-sports circle, number one in the world, King." Hua Junpei said indifferently, but in those eyes, there is always something that seems to be revealed. Showing a bit of arrogance.

The corner of Qin Fan's mouth slanted slightly, looking at the 'King' who took off the mask, he felt absurd in his heart. It is really not a wise move for the H consortium to take off the 'King' mask.

"Is that King? I've heard about it for a long time." Qin Fan grabbed Pu Bin's hand and said with a half-smile.

Pu Bin laughed dryly and said, "Don't dare, I've been famous for you for a long time."

Hua Junpei looked at Pu Bin with both surprise and doubt, and stared at Qin Fan for a long time with a dazed expression on his face, wondering if Qin Mingyang had really made a name for himself in the e-sports circle?How could King call him by a name he has heard for a long time!
"Thank you Miss Hua for your hard work, but we children of the Qin family don't need Caesar to train." After Qin Fan finished speaking, he turned around and walked to the villa, shouting loudly: "Seeing off the guests."

"You..." Hua Junpei looked at Qin Fan in disbelief. She couldn't believe it. The match was already approaching. How could Qin Fan have the confidence to say such things to her!

As the saying goes, if you don't hit the south wall, you don't look back. In Hua Junpei's view, Qin Fan is now the one who hit the south wall.

However, in Qin Fan's eyes, she was the one who bumped into the south wall, and she was already hit so badly that she didn't even know it.

"Miss Hua, I would like to advise you, make a decision before acting, and don't be blinded by your ridiculous selfishness." Qin Fan said such a sentence without looking back.

Hua Junpei's face became quite ugly. When had she encountered such an embarrassing situation?

Before coming here, she had already promised the Caesars team members that they would live in, but Qin Fan didn't give her any face at all, and she didn't even have a chance to say that, let alone let these people live in.

"I hope you can still be so arrogant when you are on the field." Hua Junpei said through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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