PUBG Mobile's strongest profession eats chicken

Chapter 872 A Bet Worth Hundreds of Millions

Chapter 872 A Bet Worth Hundreds of Millions

The children of the Qin family have the pride of the children of the Qin family. Even if the other party is the eldest lady of the Hua family, when it is time to refute, they will never show mercy.

Hua Junpei felt as if he heard it wrong, thirty per team?Are you kidding me, do you think all of you are calling the Welfare Bureau?
"I didn't expect the Qin family to be so arrogant." Hua Junpei said with a gloomy expression, "Okay, thirty heads, what if you can't do it?"

Qin Fan pointed to the villa behind him and said with a smile, "If we can't do it, this villa belongs to your Hua family."

"Okay, it's a deal." Hua Junpei immediately accepted the bet, looked at Qin Fan playfully and said, "If uncle finds out that you lost the villa to me, you can imagine what will happen to you."

Qin Fan smiled and said, "What if we did it?"

Hua Junpei sneered and said, "I really don't know where your confidence comes from, don't worry, there is no way you can do it with the Caesars team as our behind-the-scenes command."

"Isn't there a contingency in everything? What if we are lucky and accidentally do it?" Qin Fan said.

"My villa, and the helicopter above it, belong to your Qin family." Hua Junpei said confidently.

Pu Bin's eyes almost popped out when he heard this, he didn't expect this woman to really bet, and she placed such a heavy bet, he couldn't figure out where this woman got so much confidence in facing King...

'Doesn't she know this is King? Park Bin thought to himself, well, from her appearance, it seems that she really doesn't know. If she knew, we wouldn't let us train her players.

"Okay, okay." Qin Fan applauded: "Miss Hua is really courageous, so I will wait for the acceptance."

"Hmph, let's talk about your own villa first." Hua Junpei snorted coldly, turned and left.

Qin Fan smiled without saying a word, put his hands on his back, and leisurely returned to the Qin family's villa.

"Brother, it's a real gamble. This villa must be worth hundreds of millions. A game is worth such a heavy bet?" Zhang Dewei looked at the environment of the villa and said in disbelief.

Sitting on the sofa, Qin Fan closed his eyes and meditated, and said quietly: "Compared to the face of the Huaxia family, a few hundred million is nothing. What we juniors can do now are these dispensable things..."


It was getting late, and it was only two hours before the game time agreed in the evening. Everyone drove to the Internet cafe that had already been reserved.

"Where's King? Why haven't you seen them?" Hua Junpei frowned and looked at the assistant beside him.

The assistant said: "Just as I was going to report to you, they left you a letter saying that the club has an urgent matter, so they should go back first. As for the cooperation between the two parties, they will stop here, and they don't want the final payment."

"Oh..." Hua Junpei was a little bit regretful. She originally wanted to express her love to 'King' after the game, but now it seems that regret is nothing but regret after all.

"What's so urgent that you don't even want the rest of the final payment." Hua Junpei frowned and said, they jointly contributed the money, and the amount they paid to Caesar was not a small sum.

"Not sure, do I need to check?" the assistant asked.

"No need." Hua Junpei said.

"What's the matter? Are your professional masters running away?" Qin Fan said with a smile. From the moment he made an appointment for the game, he knew that these people would definitely run away.

Otherwise, after the game, Hua Junpei and other young patriarchs of more than 20 families will find themselves being fooled so miserably. Let alone them, even the H country consortium will have no good fruit to eat...

"Hmph." Hua Junpei snorted coldly, turned her face away and ignored Qin Fan.

"Okay, don't look at the tactics they designed for you." Qin Fan said.

"Why, do you want to take a peek?" Seeing Qin Fan approaching, Hua Junpei quickly closed the letter and looked at him warily.

Qin Fan couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, in the face of the absolute power gap, any tactics are useless, I don't need to look at your tactical arrangements."

(End of this chapter)

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