Chapter 874 The Torn Pride
She saw with her own eyes the tacit cooperation between the children of the Qin family, the extraordinary details of the operations of the children of the Qin family, and the extremely aggressive style of play of the children of the Qin family who were exactly the same as Qin Fan...

She was a little confused. These people... Are they really the children of the Qin family?
'Fortunately, thirty kills are not so easy, I still have hope of winning. ' Hua Junpei thought to herself.

However, it turns out that her thinking was too naive. After clearing the C-building, the equipment of the children of the Qin family has basically taken shape. It only took 4 minutes to wipe out the last two teams in the airport. kill.

9 minutes, twelve kills...

There is an entire airport to support them. The four of them wear three-level suits, and they are all equipped with rifles, sniper rifles, bullets, projectiles, medicine kits and other consumables.

With such equipment in 9 minutes, for Hua Junpei, her bet has already been lost, but for the children of the Qin family, the real massacre has only just begun.

Hua Junpei glanced at Qin Fan in bewilderment, only to see that Qin Fan was leaning on the sofa at this moment, holding his mobile phone with his head down, chatting with someone, and had no intention of watching the game at all.

"Yes, in the face of absolute strength, what's the use of tactics..." Hua Junpei smiled bitterly, and she finally understood where Qin Fan's confidence came from.

At this moment, when she recalled what Qin Fan said before, she felt her face burning hot.

She was the one who organized the family meeting, she was the one who organized the training, she was the one who excluded Qin Fan, and she was the one who called Qin Fan's misconduct and irresponsibility. In the end, all her pride was torn to pieces in one match.

She is not reconciled, Qin Fan is the pride of the Qin family, Hua Junpei is not the pride of the Hua family, outside the family, their words and deeds represent their own family.

But now, a competition has caused the Qin family's flag to fly high again, and Hua Junpei has worked so hard to organize the training for so long, but she is so vulnerable. She has not only lost herself The face of the Hua family, as well as the face of the Hua family.

But fortunately, Qin Fan stopped her in time, let her see her own strength, and did not lose face to the whole world.

"Are these the four strongest members of your Qin family?" Hua Junpei looked at the big screen and said to Qin Fan in frustration.

Hearing this, Qin Fan raised his head and glanced at the big screen. On the screen, the children of the Qin family slaughtered all the way from the airport to Port N, and then from Port N to City P. None of the junglers they encountered along the way could beat them. Survived 2 minutes in front of the Qin family team.

In just 25 minutes, the Qin family's team had already killed 34 people. Before the game was over, the Qin family's children had already won, and Hua Junpei was completely desperate.

"Yes, and no." Qin Fan said casually: "The strength of the twenty of them is about the same, there is no one who is the strongest or the weakest, and the overall strength depends on whether the teammates they choose are in their hands.

The team's collocation is not bad, it's not the best, it's not the worst, it should be sent by them to test your strength, but I didn't expect you to be so weak, even weaker than I expected. "

"So, in the next three rounds, we will lose even worse, right?" Hua Junpei's proud blue hair drooped even lower after hearing this.

Qin Fan smiled and didn't answer her. He had already said the answer in the last sentence, and he didn't want to repeat the answer he had already said.

Turning to Hua Junpei, he said, "I think this is the end of today's game. Our bet is a draw."

(End of this chapter)

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